CHAPTER 23: Dark Days are upon us

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Chapter 23:Dark Days are upon us 

"I realize that I live on the bubble of insanity. I feel the weight of human suffering, loneliness and despair on me all the time. It's not getting easier; if anything, it's always right on the edge of my skin."-

Erwin McManus

 We flew back to our building in London, the flight took forever and everyone sat in utter silence.  I had to call Sherlock' s mother and tell her what exactly had happen and that I probably wouldn't be back untill this entire thing was sorted out. Once we arrived back to the building where we worked, Mycroft had told Jensen and I to remain in my office untill he said otherwise. I nervously paced across the floor, not uttering a single word. I couldn't believe that Sherlock would do something like this, first of all we had just gotten our relationship back to how it was, secondly he drugged me. this was the fourth time this year that I had felt betrayed by someone close to me and I was just about done with it. Jensen leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"Gwen, you're pacing like a caged animal." He said softly looking at me . I glanced up at him for a brief second then continued to pace. Absolutely nothing good would come out of this, what would they do to Sherlock? I let out a frustrated sigh when suddenly my computer let me know I had mail.

"Will you check that for me?" I gruffly asked glancing out the window, attempting to get in control of my thoughts. My best option was to stay calm in this situation, worrying or freaking out would do me no good. Especially since I felt like I was on the edge of a emotional and mental breakdown.

"Sure thing blondie" He muttered. He  clicked a few buttons on the keyboard then glanced at the screen,
"C.J.M messaged you concerning your sister....Gwen. I don't like this guy" he said. I snapped my attention towards him, briskly stalking over to the computer.

"Is something wrong?" I asked fearing for the worst.

"No, he's just explaining how they are in Bora Bora for a vacation and he sent some pictures. Hey your sister is kinda cute" Jensen smirked

" Really..... yeah no she's not on the market right now. What don't you like about him?" I asked. He glanced down at the floor then back towards me.

"Let's just say I hate the guy with every fiber in my body."

"Well if he's anything like his brother, I understand"

"Believe me you don't know anything about them." he sighed. I sat on the floor putting my head in my hands. All of this emotionall stress lately was taking a major toll on my sanity. I closed my eyes going over things to calm me down and ease my mind.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be so snappy while you're awaiting a descision on your husband's punishment, He's just a touchy subject." Jensen sighed.

'It's okay."

"I have a bad feeling about all of this" Jensen murmured softly. " I don't get why Moriarty would come out of the grave and reveal himself to you. There is nothing good about that" He sighed standing up and walking over to the window to stare out of it.

"I know. I'm honestly terrified" I mumbled softly. As if the cosmos was cruely playing a joke on me Mycroft walked in the room, a somber expression upon his face.

"Gwen, we are meeting about Sherlock." He mumbled flatly. "Please try to be controlled emotionally.". I stood to my feet looking back at Jensen who only gave me a reassuring nod. I quietly followed Mycroft out of my office. We walked down a long hallway into a large glass meeting room, I felt my stomach turn over as my anxiety increased. 

" As my colleague is fond of remarking, this country sometimes needs a blunt instrument. Equally, it sometimes needs a dagger - a scalpel wielded with precision and without remorse." Mycroft started to say before pausing and looking to his left. " There will always come a time when we need Sherlock Holmes." Many of the men looked back at him but one man who was standing near him spoke.

"If this is some expression of familial sentiment ..." He started. Mycroft rolled his eyes and sighed turning to him

"Don't be absurd. I am not given to outbursts of brotherly compassion." Mycroft paused looking back up at the man  " You know what happened to the other one." I froze, there was another Holmes brother and I didn't know about it? What had happened. The man looked away with a grimace upon his face while Mycroft looked out the window again. "In any event, there is no prison in which we could incarcerate Sherlock without causing a riot on a daily basis. The alternative, however ..." Mycroft said looking over to Lady Smallwood "... would require your approval."

"Hardly merciful, Mr Holmes." Lady Small wood said coldly. I grimaced, if this was up to her, something bad would happen to Sherlock.

"Regrettably, Lady Smallwood, my brother is a murderer." Mycroft said in a hushed tone.

"Would you have anything to say on your husbands behavior?" Lady Smallwood asked. I froze like a deer in headlights, I couldn't speak because if I said what was right I would condemn my husband.

"I haven't really been able to think all of this through, there has been alot going on in my life lately" I mumbled. "I wouldn't really like to speak much on this matter unless I have more time to mull everything over, Honestly I just want to go home to my kids at this point" I sighed. Mycroft glanced at me and frowned.

AN; GUYS IM NOT DEAD I PROMISE! okay so since sports are over for me, I should have more time to update stories!!! Anyway after I finish this book, I'm thinking about making one with Jensen and someone else (I can't say cause spoilers for this story) called Tigers Blood or something else! But I want to finish up this story soon! Thank you for being so patient and waiting for so long!!! BTW sorry the update is so short and or really bad I tried my best to get it done for yall! Happy Valentines day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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