CHAPTER 6: Familiar Faces

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"I look in the mirror every morning, okay. What is going on here? You know, I just say, 'Look, it's sheer insanity.' - Si Robertson

Chapter 6:  Familiar Faces 

With a sleepless night behind me I drug my feet as I walked into the airport, Mary had told me she was going to help Sherlock watch the kids and make sure everything was alright while I was gone. It was the hardest to say goodbye to my children, I couldn't bear to think about leaving them for even a second, I sighed slightly as I stopped before security and turned back to look at Sherlock. I couldn't helps myself, I ran back over and hugged him tightly, tears falling from my eyes.

"I don't wanna go" I whimpered.

"It's going to be okay" he said softly as he stroked my hair. He kissed my forehead gently, then gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking me back over to my stuff.

"Be safe, please" he said with an almost pleading look .

"I will" I said with a weak smile as I walked into security, on the other side of security Sean stood there waiting for me. I was a blubbery mess at the end of everything but it turned out somewhat alright, Sean hugged me.

"Hey, it's gunna be alright. Don't cry" he said softly. After a few minutes of him comforting me we walked to the terminal, I sighed and sat down.

"Are you ready for this, because it could be a living hell" I said turning to Sean. His green eyes looked fearful for a moment but then returned to normal.

"Yeah, I have faith in us as a team. I believe that we can do it" he said with a slight smile.

"That was kinda cheesy, but it's the thought that counts" I chuckled. Sean rolled his eyes then sighed dramatically.

"You never give me any pats on the back" he said with a pouty expression on his face. I chuckled, then stood up when the lady called our plane ticket numbers. Sean and I boarded the plane then took our seats.

"Have you ever been out of country before?" I asked softly.

"Nope. This is a first for me, is there anything I should be worried about?" he asked with a grin.

"Well, if this was a normal trip there would be a few things to maybe be worried about. But since it's not a normal trip you have a lot to worry about" I mumbled as the plane took off. Sean sighed slightly then closed his eyes, I didn't know if he was in thought or if he was sleeping so I decided not to disturb him. The flight went by pretty fast, to my surprise it was only four hours and twenty-two minutes. Shortly after landing we got off the plane then went to pick up our luggage.

"Keep an eye out for anything suspicious" I mumbled softly to Sean. He nodded then grabbed his luggage and then mine.

"Where are we headed to next ?" he asked.

"Towards the passenger pickup area, there is a man who is going to be waiting for us" I said as we headed outside.  We waited for a few minutes before we finallly spotted our guide, he smiled warmly at us as he waved us over.

"My name is Ammon, I assume you have been given details of where you will be staying and everything else yes?" He asked. I nodded at him, and he then went and got in his taxi. Both Sean and I folllowed and  watched our surroundings as he drove us to our hotel. My hands shook nervously, I was terrified. Sean looked nervous as well. My stomach flipped as a overall bad feeling of this mission came over me. Ammon suddenly stopped infront of a hotel, he glanced back at us and  smiled.

"This is where you will be staying! I hope you enjoy your time in Egypt." He smiled. I payed him then walked towards the hotel door, Sean followed closely behind, when suddenly I bumped into someone. 

"Oh I am so sorry " I said as I turned around , when the other person turned around I felt my blood run cold.  I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing who I thought I  saw. This wasn't good at all.

AN: MUHAHAHAH CLIFFHANGER. Sorry, I kinda had to :3 I hope this chapter is decent, but it might be kinda bad. Anyway, who do you think the person is?  Do you think Sean and Gwen will get into some sort of trouble or some how muddle their way through? I'll be re editing it soon :D I hope you liked it, sorry its so short. Thanks for the Votes, reads and the comments.

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