CHAPTER 14: The Return Of The Woman

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Chapter 14: The Return Of The Woman


"Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life." -Edvard Munch



Today I had to go back to work or the first time since I found out that Sean wasn't who he said he was. I sighed softly, and watched as my kids wobbled towards me. I had become very distant from everyone lately, it was as if none of this was real.

"Mummyy!!!" Seren said with a smile.

"Hello my darlings" I said scooping them up in each arm. Sherlock walked In and glanced at us, his lips formed into a small smile.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile in a while"  He said softly as he leaned over and  kissed my cheek.

"It's been rough, I just don't feel msyself." I said softly. He carefully cupped my hands in his face and his  eyes looked into mine.

"Gwen, you need to tell me when something is wrong. I might be able to help" he said softly.  

"I just don't know what's wrong " I said softly.  Sherlock's eyes looked concerned, he sighed softly. I smiled slightly then sighed. "I have to go or I'm going to be late"

"Alright, I'll watch the boys today. I love you" he said kissing my forehead then taking the boys from my arms. 

"I love you to" I said as I walked out the door. I drove to work a tight knot in my stomach as I even thought about seeing Jensen again, What was I going to say? What was I even going to do?.  I got out of my car and started what felt like the longest walk in my entire life.  My heart raced in my chest  and I felt my hands start shaking. I let out a breath before going on the elevator and up into my office,  my eyes searched around looking for that one person who I knew for a fact I was going to see today. Once my  eyes locked onto that blonde haired man, I froze right where I stood.  My world felt  like it stopped,  and froze right then and there. He turned around and his eyes widened as he saw her, he was in just as much shock as he was. I quickly   snapped back into reality and went to my desk and sat down. 

"Hey Gwen" Jesen said softly.  I ignored him and contuined to log on to my computer, I couldn't help but to feel my hands shake while I atempted to do my best to ignore the idiot. "Gwen stop ignoring me we need to talk about something serious" he said..

"Talk about what?!?!?" I snapped at him causing him to jerk away from me. " You really think I would want to talk to you after what you told me?"

"No, It's just I am worried about you, I havent seen you in a few weeks and you look terrible, no offense but you just look out of your right mind" He said softly. i simply stared back at him, not uttering a word. "Gwen,  I'm very concerned for you"

"Why do you care?!?" I yelled at him. 

"Because you are my partner! Gwen, we care for each other, you're like my sister" he said as he looked into my eyes. Right then I lost it, I felt the tears running freely down my cheeks.

"Then why would you lie to me" I whimpered. His brows furrowed together  and his eyes were full of regret.

"Because I was scared, I heard what you did to my brother after he had you captive and that frightened me. It was stupid yes but, I didn't want you to judge me for my past sins" He said sitting on the floor and leaning against the drawers of my desk.

"You shouldn't have lied to me"

"I know and I am sorry" He said softly. "Now there's something I need to talk to you about. Remember C.J?" he asked softly.


"Well He's up to no good, He wants Sherlock out of the picture." He said quietly  

" Where is the Bastard" I hissed.

"No, you can't go after him just yet,  I need him to tell me what his plan is" 


"I believe he is involved with the letter that you recieved" 

"How do you know about that?"

"Somone told me" 


"I don't know it was one of C.J's associates" He paused then looked me straight in the eyes."Listen, we cant talk about this here" He mumbled. The rest of the day was as stressful as the first half hour , all i could think about was going home and sleeping. As I trudged up the stairs to the flat  i couldnt help but hear a feminine voice talking inside. I frowned slightly as I opened the door, I saw sherlock and a unknown woman sitting at the table discussing something. I felt a flicker of jealousy towards the woman.

"So who's your friend" I said in a bitter tone of voice.

"Ah! Gwen, I want you to meet Irene Adler, Also known as the Woman and Irene I want you to meet my wife Gwen" Sherlock spoke.

"Ah, So your the one Moriarty was out to get, Sit down lets talk" She said with a smile. I reluctantly sat down at the table, but someting told me that she had some good intel about what was going on.

AN: WOOO ANOTHER UPDATE hehehe! Anyway I am super excited in what these next couple chapters! Anyway we shall soon find out whats wrong with Gwen! Do you think Jensen is telling the truth? What will the Woman tell the two? Thank you for all the reads and votes!!- Nicole

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