Yume X Subaru 03

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"Can we do it in the morning?" Subaru had asked, hand rubbing his own neck, as I just stared up at him. "Like, 11 AM?"

"What?" I said, a little too loud. I paused, "why?" I asked, but in a mumble, so he couldn't hear me. "Fine," I obliged.

"aren't gonna go to your dorm room now?"

"Well, I'm kinda scared of the the-the dark," I stuttered, chuckling nervously.

"It's like only 8:00," he rolls my eyes, "you're like what 13, and still scared of the dark?"

"Yes, because when I was young I got-well," I sighed, "almost got kidnapped near this time," I say holding myself, and walking a little closer to Subaru, it was a very scary experience.

"I," Subaru started, groaning, "just," he looks into his room, "just," he repeats, "just stay in my dorm room okay?" He invites me in awkwardly, as I just stare into his very unemotional room if that made sense.

"T-Thanks," I whispered, but he still heard me and just smiled.


"What the," a male voice was heard in a whisper, pointing at Yume, "that's Nijino Yume, what's her name, right?" The voice asked

"Hey!" Subaru semi-yelled. getting up from his couch, "what're you guys doing here?" Subaru freaked out, dropping his phone in the process.

"To hand you anew schedule," the voice holds up a piece of paper.

"How'd you even get in my room?!" Subaru tried to push the voice out of his dorm room.

"You gave us an extra key, remember?" The voice chuckled,  "Anyways, what is she doing here?" He whispered pointing at the very calm sleeping Yume.

"Long story short," Subaru finally pushed his bandmate of M4 out his dorm room door, "she was scared and the nice human being I am, offered to let her stay for a few hours."

Having more questions, Subaru's bandmate just said, "alright," in an unconvincing voice.


I just woke up to the sight of Subaru's whole band. Weirdly enough, I didn't question it and noticed the magazine still in my hands, I looked at the nearest clock, showing 11:40. "Hey!" I said, and everyone's attention was on me, "Subaru get changed, and I will too, let's go!" I point at the magazine still in my hands.


"Where is she?" Subaru looked at his wristwatch, tapping his foot repeatedly waiting for Yume to get out of the school campus. He groaned until he saw a familiar girl wave, running at him. "You took way too long," Subaru chuckled.

"A girls gotta do what she's gotta do," Yume teeth grinned, adjusting her fake glasses. "We look kind of matching," Yume looked at Subaru from head to toe.

"Yeah, I guess," Subaru shrugged.

"Anyways," Yume cleared her throat, looking at the magazine, "I think I know where this place is," she pointed at the small imprinted address on the page

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"Anyways," Yume cleared her throat, looking at the magazine, "I think I know where this place is," she pointed at the small imprinted address on the page.

"Wow that name convinces me. Like who would put there name Scandals?" Subaru scoffs at the very corny\cheesy name, as they started walking down the street.

"Whatever, it's easier then," Yume replied back. "In a way," she added. As Yume said that, a large gust of wind blew at the two removing Yumes hat. 

"Wait," a bystander points at Yume, who tries to hide her face, "Yume the idol, and..." the voice paused looking at Subaru, "the guy from M4?" The female pedestrian gasps, "you guys are dating!" The girl immediately takes her phone out.

But before the bystander could snap a pic, Subaru gripped Yumes wrist gently yet forcible, and dragged her with him, as they both ran as if it were for their lives.

"Where is it?" Subaru said, still jogging yet slower.

"Not too far," Yume lets herself be dragged as she looks at the almost torn up magazine.


Once we both got to our destination, I noticed Yume hyperventilating, but in a way where it wasn't because of our running exercise, we just did.

"Are you ok?" I asked quickly, worried.

"I-I'm fine," she said looking at the ground, and I got less worried, well that was until she started coughing. Coughing in a non-healthy way, to the point where she was bleeding.

"What the?" I mumbled, as her eyes started closing more and more, for longer, and I noticed she was going to pass out. So before she did pass out, I caught her before her fall and automatically carried her in bridal-style. Should I take her to the hospital? I looked at the scandal place. Obviously, I take her to the hospital, I adjusted my strength to carry Yume better.


"Subaru right?" The doctor asked, pen in hand, looking at me.

"Yes," was all I could say.

"When Mrs. Nijino was a little kid, according to her records, it seems that she had a disease that if she ran too quick, fast, and at once, something in her lungs would react with her blood, affecting her brain and throat."

"Why did it happen now?" I asked, "I've seen her do Aikatsu-running in like 6 AM in the morning?" I gulped, why was I so worried? 

"I really don't know, but you're going to have to leave her here for probably a couple more days to run a few tests, and let her rest, and such," the doctor said, clicking his pen.

"I'll be leaving her in your hands, Doctor," I say as I heard my phone ring, "thank you," I bowed, closing the door gently behind me, as I sighed, and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I plastered a smile, knowing the can't see me.

"Subaru you have a show with the rest of the M4 in less than an hour, get over here," Subaru's manager said, as he hung up without another word.

"Right," I sighed, scratching my hair looking down, "hello to you too," I fake chuckled, "what a day it's been," I look back up.

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