Epic Rap Battles of Aikatsu: Akari Vs. Hime

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I don't like Akari. Just to note 😂

Hime: Me, a rapper. I can't do, but you an extra character no one likes is gonna beat me in a rap battle? Swim away little doggy with your paddle. Oh wait, I forgot you can't swim either.

Akari: I'm a 13 year old girl almost at Ichigos level, than you a 16 year old hag. Go back and sit in your bag. Oh wait, I'm a dog your a puppy with a tag. (Second verse reference). 🐶

Hime: I'm 16, so respect your elder you toddler. I'm a inspiration for everyone. Most of Aikatsus fans hate you, so run away while you can.

Akari: that's your whole line? After this battles over I'll break your back spine.

Hime: talking about my line? Look how short yours is. If you don't mince I'll need a cup of tea, after how scared you are of me, that you need to pee.

Akari: I'm not a 1st grader anymore that I'll pee in my bed. You'll be appreciative that I, a star even look at you. When your just Yume, a copy of 2. This battle was already done when I stepped in.

Hime: oh you said something. I didn't hear you, it was like you were a ghost to me, how strange. Can someone already get me a cup of tea? ☕️ you a ghost no one pays attention to, your just really koo coo.

Akari: What kind of tea? The tea that's always better than another, me? (If you get the joke).

Guys I got nothing else. On a writers block. Welp...WHO WON!!!! COMMENT DOWN BELOW. Also make sure if you have an idea DM me and see what 2 characters you want!!! Also to one of my fans that requested Yume Vs. Yuki (Subaru) it was impossible. I'm sorry. I was on a writers block too. I had like 30 words done and I kept restarting it, so I'm sorry I couldn't do that. Also if you DMed me an idea I want you to start it off cause I got nothing dude. We can discuss it over DM.

So I hope you enjoyed, probably not. But I hope this writers block stops. And can't wait until that episode of both animes combined!! I'll see y'all later, bye!!!

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