Yume X Subaru Part 13: Wish

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Guys before this starts. I know this may not seem related at all to the story, but trust me it will turn out like the storys' made for.

When I saw Yume down the hall, she had a bat in her hand. I know she was mad at what she did. i glared at her. The character she is right now is..Yandere.

"Hahh!" Kiriko started to laugh. "I knew this would happen!"

"you.." I knew a way to stop Yume. I wouldn't hurt her. I would love her. Yume ran to me. I hugged her. "It's alright." I suddenly bent down and slowly our lips touched. "It's alright." Kiriko doesn't make a threat to us. Why does she want to ruin our lives? I see Yume faint. I caught her and set her down slowly and gently on the floor.

"Wow." Kiriko got off the window sill. "How cute you guys are." she chuckled a little. "Here." "I won't be in your lives anymore. She threw papers that i caught. Then when i looked up she was gone. I read the papers. I guess she wasn't a threat to us. She actually helped us. "Thanks." I whispered. I looked at Yume. I khow she'll be fine. I left her on the ground and walked away.


"Ugh." I woke up in my bed with Laura blinking at me. "What happened?"

"Misturu saw you laying on the ground and called us over." Why was i on the ground? "We saw a bat laying next to you and we thought some one hit you with it and we saw no bruises or injuries." Why was there a bat? "You seem to be fine now. I'll be heading back to my dorm room now." I looked out the window then the clock. 8:23....Wow a lot of time passed. I saw a shooting star come by. Ah! I need to make a wish!

"I wish-.." "I wish that I can be with Suabru for ever!" i wanted to. He was everything to me. I know it looks like I hate him when i act like it, but Ako likes him too. I don't want her to know about us. I looked up and saw a bunch of stars. This night reminds me of me. Dream. The dream iI have. No not the dream, my dreams. More than 1. "I'll pick up to you soon Subaru." I whispered. We're gonna be rivals soon, my wish just needs to come true. Subaru-kun do you have the same feelings for me?


I got sick for some reason. I decided to stay in. I thought about something that'll cheer me up...I closed my eyes thinking of Subaru-kun-......I realized, when did I develope these feelings for him? Love is something you need to achieve.

"Hahah." I sighed. I went on my phone. "New M4 performance tonight?" I read from the article. "I wanna go, but their proably sold out anyways. What ever. I'm sick aand they'll always be another performance..? Crap! I looked at my calender. I have a performance tonight too!! What do I do?!?!!?! ah. Something rolled on the ground. A hair pin with a shooting star on it...Ah! it's the one Subaru gave me! I kissed it and put it on my head and started studying my sing.

"Hey." I heard a knock.

"Come in." I twirled. "Hey Subaru-kun." I saw him come in.

I heard you were sick." I stopped the music. "So why are you still practicing?"

"I have a show and no matter what I won't give up even if hard obstacles get in my way."

"Ah." Subaru looked up. "That hairpin." he pointed at the one he gave me.

"This?" he nodded. "When I woke up feeling sick it helped me get pumped up!" I smiled while touching it.

"That's good to hear." he walked in the room. "What song are you doing?" he opened the open area for the radio and took the CD out. "Primara.." (It was the song I was listening to.) "That's a hard song though." "Why choose this one?"

"I wanna catch up to you. I want to be by your side!" I smiled squinting my eyes to look like I'm closing them. I see him blush a little.

"Good luck with your performance tonight!" Suaru headed for the door.

"You too!" "Ah wait!" I grabbed his shoulder. I then quickly took the hair pin put it on my mouth and kissed him with the pin in between. But the door opened that moment finding Ako there holding a water bottle...


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