Aikastu anime suggestion

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So I'm gonna make another new Aikatsu series. The Aikatsu characters (from both animes) are gonna morph into different animes. I thought of this from the anime Re: Creators. So guys comment some anime suggestions that I'll morph with the Aikatsu characters! I'm first thinking of Re: Creators X Aikatsu

Ok now this book is getting random and most of you followed because of the Yume X Subaru series, but having another kind of story ain't that bad. So suggest some animes that I'll morph with the Aikatsu characters!

I also made a new anime book, where I rant about manga, anime and talk about them! But should I morph Re: Creators with this???🤔🤔 I don't know if it's a good fit, but might be!

So enough of me talking! Suggest some animes, or just DM me some anime suggestions. And you'll have to help me. Because you'll probably want your own story with part of my point of view with yours. So might be better to DM, but I don't judge!

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