Yume X Subaru Part 6: Are You A Yandere With Suprises? Or Are You A Yandere?

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It was Yume calling. All I saw on my phone was Nijino and thought it was Yume, but it wasn't. It was just my mind thinking it was Yume. "H-hello?" I stuttered a lot. The boys were just watching me. "Who is this?"

"Ah! Sorry for calling you..Um Subaru Yuki?" I said that it is me and she replied with, " I'm Yume's sister!"

"Um..Why are you calling? I do know your sister." I started sweating. What if she knew about that kiss? Or the magazine about the scandal?! Too much in my brain!

"Ah don't worry!" "I'm not here about the kiss or scandal!" She knew! NOW WHAT?! I can't say anything with myself sweating and out of mind. I'm blushing a lot!

"Who is it?" Nozomu smiled a little then stopped. Do I say who it is? I mean at least it's not Yume! It's her sister so I should say her name right?

"Someone." "I don't know why she's calling or how she got my number and she knows a secret and the magazine scandal." i said really quickly. "Ah! Sorry!" I got back to the phone.

"It's fine." She hesitated. "I'm calling because I'm going to be an idol." "I don't want HIM to know and you are one of his friends so I'm telling you."

"What's wrong with HIM? And who is he?" I get why she contacted me, but I'm sure the guy should have more friends then just me right?

"That I can't tell you so meet me right out your dorm room right now. i'm standing right there right now." I panicked.

"Guys stay here!" I locked the dorm room door so they wouldn't peek or something related to that. "You must be..? She was a beautiful girl. She looked about 14. Wait! I like Yume! What am I doing?

"My name is Kiriko." then I heard a bang on my dorm room door. I'm pretty sure the boys out their heads to the door and tried to hear what we were saying.

"Could we maybe move because the boys in my dorm room are trying to hear what were saying."

"M4?" her voice was soft." Ah then yes!" we moved outside near the front gate of the school. Hm.. I have work in 25 minutes I should have 5 minutes to talk with Kiriko. "Would you mind telling me where the principals office is?" "I have important news from him."

Kiriko's P.O.V

"Ah sure!" Yuki-kun walked me to the principals office."Thats him over there." He pointed at him. He just stared at us without saying a word.

"It would be a pleasure if you would leave Yuki-Kun.." I smiled. He left out the office. "Now to get to business Morboshi-sensei." "I'm back." i glared at him and stepped on his counter with one foot and keeping it there. I let go of my ponytail which made my hair go down quickly.

"I taught you good manners Kiriko. Respect your former teacher." "Your 15 now am I right?" "You've grown tall just over 6 years." I took my foot off his desk.

"You've grown as well sensei. Let's get to talking now.I'm coming back as a student here at 4 star academy. Make me instantly to S4 Sensei." "You can't disobey me or else this school is gone for good." I own this school with my money. Not my parents. Mine. I made it myself being at a great job. 10 million a day.

"We'll make an account to that." Without sensei where would my money be? He taught me. A my teacher. But I own this school. "Kiriko Maniyama is now in the group S4." Sensei annonced quite like i was an idol. "20,000 yen that'll be accounted to."

"You're charging me?" "Fine, but I'm only giving you half." "I need pocket change of 50,00 yen." I gave him 10,000 yen and went out. Everyone stared at me because I wasn't wearing a uniform, Sensei or Principal gave me a S4 uniform including the biggest dorm with no roommate. Someone knocked on my door so I asked, "Who is it?" in a soft voice.

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