Yume X Subaru Extra 2: Hair

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"Gah." I say. How lazy am I right now? I turn on the TV. I sigh and look down. "Etsu no!" I hear from the TV. W-Wait what?!!?! I look up immediately. Laura?! I couldn't notice her because of her hair. it's straight down! She also cut some of it too.

You know what? I wanna cut my hair off too! I take of the elastics from my pigtails that flow to my hips. I put on my sunglasses. I open the door and go to the nearest salon. Should I dye my hair too? That might be too much.

"Welcome." She says to me. "What would you like?"

"Well, dod you know Sakuraba laura?" I ask. Her probably knowing.

"I do." "Do you want her haircut miss?" She points to a seat. "I need you to take off your sunglasses." I take 'em off. "Oh! Nijino yume?!"

"Shh." I say. I sit down and take a magazine with Ako on it. Ako Saotome! Actress tells us her life from the past!

"Can we take a picture after your haircut?!" The salon woman says. I nod and smile. "Wahhh." She takes her scissors. I keep reading. Well I have a bunch of friends from the past. But I'll tell you about my crush I had back then. His name was Subaru Yuki. Still famous now. He went to the same school as me.

He never knew about that. But I never got to date him. He's married to someone special now. As a matter a fact, his wife is one of my best friends. Her name is Nijino Yume. And without me noticing my hair cut was done.

"Can I take that picture now?!" She says exited. She takes out her phone. SNAP! It takes a picture. Ako-chan. Thank you.



"Are ok Saotome-san?"



More extra's are gonna come out, but here's one for now!

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