Aiktasu X Kotura San Part 2

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"Hey Ichigo!"

"What? It's cool if someone can read people's mind! Don't you want to hear how, when and where?!" Ichigo looks at me with glistening eyes.

"Guh.." I put my hand on my head and shake it. "Ichigo, we broke into someone's house, with a girl who can read people's mind. How insane of a coincidence is this?!"

"It's a good coincidence!" Ichigo let's go of the girls hands.


"I see." "Well my name is Kotura." She says. "It started to rain, stay here for now. I'm sorry I overthought everything." She sighs.

"It's fine." Ran says. "But are you sure?" "This is a big mansion and your letting strangers sleep here?"

"It is. My grandpa owns this place. My boyfriends with his family, and my club friends are in school."

"Shouldn't you be in school then?" Ichigo points out.

"Yeah, but I'm sorta sick. Don't worry! It's not contagious!" Kotura- SAN is really nice. Despite she called the cops. If Ichigo wasn't friends with the police, we would've been arrested by now. I shake my head.

"By the way." Ichigo starts saying. "You said, you could read people's mind. Is it true?"

"It is. I was born with it."

"That's so cool!"

"Well, I've had bad experiences with it. So I don't know what to do.. Hehe." She fakes a laugh.

"Try to read my mind then!" Ichigo eyes glisten.

"A-alright." "You thought, strawberry cake would be so good right now." Typical Ichigo. Well I guess she can read minds.

"Haha!" Ichigo starts laughing. "That's so cool!" "Do you guys have a kitchen here by the way??" Ichigo looks around.

"We do, why?"

"Well I want to cook! Not just by myself but with everyone! It'll be fun! Your our new friend now!"

"Well, um.." Kotura-San blushes. "I'll take you there!" She gets up from her chair. We all follow her.

"This is a really pretty mansion." Ran touches the wall. "Who is that?" Ran points at a picture in a frame.

"That's my mother.." kotura frowns. "Let's keep on going!" She runs for a few seconds. I wonder why she frowned, it's her mother though? Does she have a bad relationship with her?

"I do." Kotura SAN looks at me. Oh I forgot she can read minds. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh ok.." I nod. "Let's keep on going then." This place is so big, it feels like we've been walking forever. I wonder where her father is. Oh crap she can read my mind, um, don't answer that please!

"Alright." Kotura-San frowns again. "Oh well here we are!" She opens the door to the beautiful kitchen.

"Wow!" Ichigo looks around. "I wanna make cake!"

"Ichigo! It's like 7:00." "We need to make dinner first."

"I'm wondering.." Kotura-San raises her hand politely. We all look at her. "We have maids and chefs here. Should we go ask them?"

"It's more fun doing it with friends!" Ichigo says. "Because it will be fun!"

"Oh alright. I don't have much friends, so I wouldn't understand." She laughs.

"What kind of cake and dinner should we make?" I say.

"Aoi, you know we're gonna make strawberry cake! And I want curry so much right now!"

"Curry with strawberry cake? That's such a bad combination ." Ran giggles.

"We have to check if we have all the ingredients first!" I check the fridge. "Never mind. We have a lot to work with."

"Haha." Kotura-San laughs. "Making new friends doesn't seem that hard for me now."

"Hee hee." Ichigo grins and makes the peace sign with her hands. "Well, what are we doing?! Let's get baking!" She holds up a spatula I don't know where she even got it from.

"Alright!" Everyone says! At least she has some new friends now!


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