Epic Rap battles Of Aikatsu! (Requested)Yume vs. Subaru

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So someone requested this long ago yet, I tried to make one but it just wouldn't work out so its been over a month, now I'm going to do it! Sorry! :P


Yume: It's a pleasure to be here! But this octopus, it's not a pleasure! 💢 (You don't know how long it took me to find that emoji cause I'm on my mac).

Subaru: Shut up stupid tomato.

Anna:  I never introduced the other opponent.  But yes, it's Subaru Yuki! Now Start! The! EPIC RAP BATTLES OF AIKATSU! VOTE in the comments below who won!!! Most votes will be the winner!

Yume: Stupid octopus, swim away you little fishy. Just stay like that Phineas and Ferb show, a platypus, or what they call you. A bishie. (And no, shes not high, because last time everyone kept commenting Yume was on something. She's not lol. 😂). Now its the end of my turn. But I could just watch you burn.

Anna: Damn, that roast though. now let's keep going. On to the next turn.

Subaru: Now, I'm in a group where everyone likes better. I know your name always get's autocorrect, off by one letter. (And no, he's also not high on something 😂). Now time for a 13 year old to go away, and let the adults, do what you had to do in May.

Yume: So if I'm a child, your just an old hag. This whole rap, is a childs game of tag. I get the spotlight in every episode, where as you, you get a minute every 20 episodes.

Subaru: At least I'm not a thirteen year old girl who's stupid and clueless about every single day. If Ichigo wasn't there you would've died. (Episode 70).

Yume: shut up.

Subaru: You.

Yume: You first.

Anna: STOP FIGHTING. Who won????! Should there be a part 2?!

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