🔞Define Love🔞

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**This story has lots of sex an adult situations.**

"I am nothing without your touch, my love
I am nothing without your kiss
2 spend each night in your arms, my flower
Is mans idea of bliss
2 not hear your voice each day
Is 2 die 7 times by Gods wrath
If there was anything other than human
I'd be the water in your bath."

From Under The Cherry Moon. Prince's movie. Not copywrote or stolen in any way. Used for the purpose of this story as being fan fiction.  I do not own it or claime it. I credit Prince for it.

Prince p.o.v.

I'm lonely in this big mansion known only as Paisley Park. 

I'm looking for love but can't find anyone worth my time. Not out for money. I wonder if such a woman exists in Minneapolis or anywhere else for that matter.

I have a plan.
I shall go on some normal dates. Here in town. Yes I know I'm probably going to fail because as soon as they see me..it's gold digger and red flags.

She has to be beautiful in her own way..but enough for me to notice her. She has class,morals,classy. A freak in bed but a woman in public. A virgin would be nice but I'm not expecting much of that these days. But not a slut or a child either. Must love music,romance,open conversation.  Grounded,non smoking. Animal lover a plus. Experence preferred but not expected. Someone with no children,open minded. Clean and independent.  No tattoos or piercings. Classy but sassy.

That sounds perfect. I shall call the local paper and place an add. I call for my assistant.

"Jenna! I need you I here a moment please." I called on phone down to her desk from my office.

"Yes sir be right there!"

"Bring something to write on and some tea please! Thank you!" I said hanging up the phone. Sitting waiting for her to knock on the door.

Knock knock.

"Come in!" I told her as she opened the door and closed it behind her carring the tray with the teas for them both and her pad of paoer to write any notes down if needed.

"Come please sit down." I told her pointing to the chair infront of the desk.

"Here sir, let me pour this for you." She said taking the cup and filling it with the tea.

"Thank you." I said with a smile. As she sat down.

"Of course. What can it do for you today sir?" She asked pitting her reading glasses on and preparing to write.

"Jenna..how long have you been my assistant?" I asked her very seriously sipping my tea.

"Sir..well..I think seven  years..almost eight. The time goes by so fast." She told me looking up at me at the desk.

"Ah. Yes it does. But time has no value. But in this case it does. Tell me Jenna..did you ever wonder if this is the life you were ment to live? Honestly." I asked looking at her.

"Sir? I really don't know what the answer to that is. I'm working for you and yes I suppose I wonder if this is my calling."

"Girl..please! Cut it out with the sir when we are alone..please. just call me Prince please." I said to her smiling.

"Ok..Prince." she took a sip of her tea.

Awkward silence filled the room.

"So I called you in here because I would like to place a personal add in the paper." I said very matter of factly.

"Ok..si..Prince. If you don't mind my opinion?" She asked.

"Ok I suppose.." I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea. That sets you up for many things. None of which are probably going to be good." She explained.

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