🔞Chapter 16🔞

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His p.o.v.

Six hours later the pilot came over intercom:

"We will be landing at Honolulu international in 15 minutes. I hope you enjoyed your flight Mr. Nelson."

"Honolulu? As in Hawaii?" she asked  smiling and kissing me. 

"Yes..Hawaii..was supposed to be a suprise. Are you suprised?" I asked laughing.

"Yes!" She said squeeling in delight.

"Suprise! Hawaii!" I laughed as we landed.

"Awwe thank you! I don't think I've ever been here before on pleasure anyways." She laughed.

"Well you have now!" I said smiling as we made our way off the plane to the waiting limo.

The driver put the bags in trunk and went to the destination of where we were staying.

"Now where to?" She asked as we sat hand in hand next to eachother in the limo.

"It's a suprise." I smiled.

"You know. I hate suprises." she laughed pushing my arm.

"Hey..come on now!" I said smiling and started kissing her. Laying  her back on the seat.

"Boy! You are insatiable!" It's been a whole day almost and you just can't seem to contain your self can you?" she asked laughing.

"Very funny. You're right. I'm dying. Give me a break here." I said.

"How bout we wait till we get to where we are going get settled in then we can do that?" She suggested.

"Ok. If I do that you promise that I can do it all night? Cause after all this I'm going to have a lot of sexual energy to let out on you. I hope you ready." I smiled.

"Yes I promise!" She said t laughing.

"Pinky sware?" I asked.

"What are we lil kids again?" She joked.

"Come on..pinky sware.." I said holding out my waiting for her to hold hers out.

"Yes pinky sware!" She said laughing after she grabbed my pinky.

"Good! I'm a hold you that. No take backs!" I smiled.

Her p.o.v.

I have a feeling it's going to be a long night.

His p.o.v.

I'm going to tear that pussy up tonight fo sho. She has no idea.

A few mins later we arrive at the destination. 

A hotel. A really nice hotel.

The driver got put their bags and set them down and I handed him $100 bill and thanked him.

We walk with our bags directly up to the penthouse suite.

"Wow! This is nice!" Jenna said opening the double doors to the room that had big windows overlooking the ocean below.

"Yes! Only the best will ever due." I said smiling.

She walked into the huge bathroom with a huge tub. 

"Theres a huge tub in the bathroom."  She said laughing.

"Uh huh..there's a hot tub out here next to the window." I said walking over to it.

"Ohhh nice!" She said walking back in and looking at it.

"Wanna get in it?" I asked her smiling.

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