🔞Chapter 4 The second time

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*More sex*

Her p.o.v.

Waking up the next morning. I look around realizing that I wasn't at home. Forgetting that I slept at Prince’s house.

I looked down at him sleeping on his back with his hands on his stomach. Snoring. Eyes closed moving under his lids.

So beautiful.

I went to get up and  grunt quietly in pain from the night before.

God I can barely move. This is going to be interesting trying to walk.

So I  got up slowly both from stiffness and not to wake him.

Went into the bathroom. Came back out and sat down.

He woke up looking at me. And smiled.

"Good moring sexy!" He said.

"Hello good morning." I smiled back.

"How are you feeling?" he asked sitting up. Knowing I was going to be sore.

"A lil sore this morning. But ok." I told him nodding.

"That's good. Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you so much." I smiled.

"It doesn't have to end here. You know." he said seductively.

"I know." I said shyly.

"Ok no pressure. Whenever your ready. I'm here. I wanna give you some more and show you how special you are." he smiled.

"I know thanks. Prince. I..I..just want you to know that you are someome who has changed my life. And I appreate all this. But what happens after this? Do we go back to being normal and act as if it never happened? I don't like being alone..I'm tired of being lonely and this has opemed my eyes to the possibility s of being that way no longer." I asked and explained.

"Jenna. It's what ever you want it to be. I'm tired of being alone too. I'm tired of the drama these THOTs put me through. That means the hoe over there. I'm tired of sleeping alone..I'm tired of not having someone to love and love me..Not just because of who I am. Using me for my fame. You know me..know what I'm about..I don't have to worry about that with you." he explained.

"You're right. I don't care about any of it..and I have no reason to use you. We've known eachother for eight years. I've seen you go from girl to girl. Unhappy,unloved and used and it's not right. You deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are inside. Not what you are." I said very honestly. 

"Really? So do you, Jenna you are someone who deserves the same thing. We both do." he said looking in my eyes.

I couldn't help it but I  started crying and he leans over to hug me.

"Don't cry. I can't stand seeing a grown women cry. I'm just being honest." He told me hugging and patting my back.

He takes my chin in his hand and wips the tears with his other. Smiles at  and kisses my lips softly.

"I can be all that for you." he whispered.

I got a chill and tingling feeling again.

"And I want to be that for you as well." I told him.

"Then that's what it will be. I care for you. You care for me. Take this relationship slow. And just go with it. Lets see what happens." he said to  smiling.

"I care alot about you and don't want to lose this friendship or job." I said honest.

"Jenna. Just because we sleep together..and have a relationsip does not mean your going to lose this job. And your not going to lose me as a friend. Promise." he reasurred.

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