🔞Chapter 2🔞

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**Random blow job**

Her p.o.v.

I go home that night. Run into my gay male neighbor in the hall. His name is Danny.

"Girl..you look like you had a rough day?" He asked in the hall as I got my mail out of the box.

Danny..a single 30's something gay man that lived across the hall from me. We concersate alot about finding love and other stuff. He was a good friend I considered him to be.

"Yeah..it was. Today I got hit on by my boss who offered me a nice purposal I'm not sure how to take it. Kinda out of my area of expertise if you get my drift." I said taking mail out and closing the box.

"Ohh really?" He asked intreeged.

"Yes..honey. Listen, why don't you come in and we can dicuss it. Don't want to have everyone listening to my business. You know how that goes." I said to him as we walked up the steps to my apartment.

"Yes..I know girl." He laughed.

Took my keys out and opened door and both walk in. I throw my coat on the hook with my purse and threw mail on the table.

"Do you want some tea or abything Danny?" I asked him.

"No Jenna thanks I'm good." He said as we sat on the couch.

"So spill the tea girl. Tell me more about your boss. What is it that you do again?" he asked smiling.

"I work as a personal assistant for a celebrity." I told him nodding.

"Oh right. And may I ask whom?"

"God..I dont know if I should. Don't think I'm allowed actually."

"Ok that's cool..is he fine girl?" he asked with excitement in his voice.

"Well I guess so yeah. Perfect hair..perfect olive skin,perfect body. Beautiful almond eyes..nice toned ass. Long hard strong hands." I said getting that tingling feeling I had earlier.

"Oh god honey he sounds heavenly. I didn't know you liked black guys honey. Yummy." Danny smiled.

"Yes he is very attractive. And thats the problem." I said to him.

"So he's cute..and what did he offer?"

"A one night stand of sorts." I told him.

"Ohh honey. Then what's the problem?" He asked laughing.

"Danny. You know I have zero experence with boys let alone men. I'm a virgin. Never been kissed. Today he kissed my neck and grinded on me. I felt the buldge in his pants. I got turned on. You can say."

"Shit Jenna! What are you waiting for girl? He wants you! Are you scared?" He asked.

"Yes very much so. I don't know how to kiss or even suck someone off." I admitted looking down in shame.

"Girl..please. If you want I can teach you that shit. I don't mind helping out a friend." he nodded.

"I don't know Danny. I would be so nervous. It would be awkward between us. I.."

"If i didn't care I wouldn't have suggested it. Trust me im 100% gay. Don't have to worry bout feelings other then we are friends. Hope you don't fall inlove with a gay man." he laughed.

"Me too!" I chuckled.

"Then it's a deal. I want nothing but friendship in return. I want you to get turned out by this sexy beast. And get some and be happy!" He said smiling.

"Yeah me too!" I agreed.

"So when you want me to show you how?" He ashed.

"I don't know."

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