🔞Chapter 10🔞 More suprises

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Her p.o.v.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet. 

Around 6 he comes out and smiles.

"Are you ready my love?"

"Ready for what?" I asked him.

"Dinner! Don't you remember I asked you to earlier today?" He asked confused.

"Babe. I never answered. I don't think." I said laughing.

"Oh well. Do you want to go have some dinner and forget about work?"

"Of course!" I said getting up from my desk.

"Good! Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"I don't know. We're not going to be bothered are we?"

"Eh I hope not. But you know how that can go." he shrugged.

"Yeah. So you're not going to tell me where are you?" I asked him

"Nope. It's a suprise." he smiled jokingly.

"Ok I guess I will just go with it." I laughed.

We walk out with limo waiting. He holds the door open for me as I got in. He gets in after.

"Look I'm really sorry about all that drama today. I had no idea they were going to show up." he told me sipping some wine.

"It's ok. I didn't like them anyways." I said sipping my wine.

The limo stops and he gets out holding the door for me.

It was his favorite Italian restaurant.

"After you my love." he says as he closed the limo door and walked in together holding hands.

"Hello Mr. Nelson. I have your table ready Sir." the gentlemen said to him as we walked in.

"Very good thank you." he said as we went to the round table in the back of the restraunt. It was empty of people except for the odd workers that were still there.

It was set with a nice table cloth and beautiful flowers that seemed out of place. 

He held out my chair and I sat down.

"Thank you." I said as he pushed my chair in as I sat down.

"You're welcome." He said sitting down.

Waiter handed them a menu and walked away to get some glassof water. 

"So...you bought it out didnt you?" I asked him smiling.

"Yes I must confess. I did." He nodded.

"And you planed this whole thing didn't you?"

"Yes. I am capable of doing things for my self with out help you know." He smiled jokingly.

I nodded "uh huh."

The waiter comes back with water.

"Are we ready to order or do we need more time?"

"More time please. Can you bring us some bread and wine. Your best wine. Please. Thank you."

"Yes of course." He says and races to get the items.

We quickly look over the menu.

"You find anything on there youd like?" He asked.

"Yes. You?"

Nope. I ll just have bread. Remember I'm vegan."

"Of course!"

"Are we ready to order sir?" The waiter came back with the wine and bread.

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