Punishment for the Crime

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Punishment for the Crime

Remus was doubled over, clutching his head in his hands as he sat between James and Peter on chairs outside McGonagall's office. "Oh we're in such deep trouble," he murmured. "We're all gonna get detentions. Probably this will be on our permanent records. It's illegal to use amortentia isn't it?"

James patted his back, but stopped when Remus winced, his spine still sore from the pending moon. James bent over instead, "Hey, it'll be alright, Moony. McGonagall's not going to be too angry at you; it's Minnie! Probably just have us write lines or something. You know how she is!"

Remus felt sick to his stomach and he wasn't sure if it was nervousness over getting in trouble or if it was from his insides getting ready to go wolf the next day. Sirius had been in there for over fifteen minutes alone now. Remus was afraid of what questions McGonagall would ask, and also what fibs Sirius was telling her that they'd get caught in if he simply tried to tell the truth. He could feel his face going red from just the thought of trying to round-about the truth with Minerva McGonagall. He would never be able to lie to her.

"Breathe, Moony," James said.

Remus wasn't sure he remembered how to do it properly.

Suddenly the door opened and McGonagall stepped out, followed by Sirius, whose jaw and shoulders were squared. She looked them over and said, in a very clipped Scottish accent, "Mr. Potter, in." She nodded to the door of her office and James looked once more at Remus apologetically, then turned and walked through the door like he was taking on a death march. McGonagall watched him go, waved her wand to close the door behind him, and then looked at Remus and Peter. "According to Mr. Black, you two had nothing to do with the incident in the Great Hall. Is this true?"

Remus tried very hard not to look surprised.

Peter squeaked, "Yes. It's true. We weren't anywhere near the Great Hall!"

Remus stayed silent, his eyes still on his trainers, rubbing his knees. He was glad Peter at least was able to say something. He could feel McGonagall looking at him expectantly though, so he forced a nod and reminded himself not to throw up.

Professor McGonagall eyed them carefully, then said, "Very well. Off you go." She looked to Sirius, "You, Mr. Black, are to stay here and wait. I shall come back for you in a moment." She turned to the door of the office, then paused and glanced back, "I won't have any fraternizing out here. You're to think of what you've done and we'll discuss your punishment in a moment." She looked at Remus and Peter, "Shoo, both of you."

"Yes Professor," Peter nodded and he scrambled to his feet and hurried to go, waving for Remus to come along.

Remus glanced at Sirius, wanting to stay, but knowing McGonagall was going to watch 'til they were gone, and he winced as he got to his feet, his knees buckling slightly, and he walked after Peter, wishing Pete would slow down so that his pained gait wouldn't be so obvious... He forced himself to walk a bit faster, to bear the pain a bit more... It wasn't as though moving slower made it better...

Sirius watched him go, then looked up at McGonagall with his most charming smile, his eyes glittering. "My boyfriend's quite an innocent, sexy bastard, inn't'he?"

McGonagall eyed him. "Mr. Black, you are to think of what you've done and feel the remorse that'll surely follow!"

Sirius nodded, "Remorse. Yes. I'll work on that, Minnie."

She nodded, "Very good." And she turned, opening the door to go back in to speak to James, who was scrambling frantically back to the chair, having pressed his ear to the office door to try and hear what she was saying in the hallway.

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