It's a Duck

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It's a Duck

Lily packed her pyjamas and her present for Remus and sat with her bag at the foot of the boys dormitory stairs, waiting for the boys to come down to go watch the film in the Shrieking Shack, reading over the Care of Magical Creatures assignment she'd already resigned to the idea of the five Gryffindor fifth years skiving off the next morning. The clock on the mantel read after eight o'clock and she looked over her shoulder, leaning back, trying to see if she could see the defaced door of the Marauders' Dormitory. "Where are they?" she murmured, growing impatient.

Suddenly the portrait hole opened up and in came James Potter. He looked about the room, spotted her, and hurried over. "Evans," he said, "Hi."

"Well it' about time one of you shows his face," Lily said, closing her book and standing up, "What'd you lot do, forget I was invited and go off without me?"

James shook his head.

"Get caught by Filch stealing the video tape?" she guessed. James shook his head again and opened his mouth to answer and Lily said, "Get distracted by some other prank you needed to play on someone? You better not have been hexing Severus Snape or I'll fix you with a bat bogey hex you'll never forget, Potter." She smirked at him.

"Actually," James said, finally able to get a word in edgewise, "We were seeing Remus to the hospital wing."

Lily was so shocked she very nearly dropped her text book. "The what? Whatever for? Is he alright?" She grabbed her bag from the floor and started for the portrait hole, James trotting along beside her. "Was he attacked? I'll bloody the bastards that touched him. Who's done it?"

"Whoa, Evans!" James laughed, his eyes dancing at her feistiness, "Don't get your knickers in a bunch -- he's attacked himself."

"Attacked himself?" Lily stopped and turned on James abruptly, making him nearly run into her. "WHAT IS WITH YOU BOYS? Bloody hell! First Sirius, now Remus. What's next? Peter going to bloody his own nose? You going to hex yourself?"

"I'll leave the hexing of oneself to certain greasy headed apes, thanks," James replied.

Lily glowered at him.

"It's his appendix," James said quickly, seeing Lily wasn't amused by his snide remark about Severus Snape. "Seems his appendix has gone and gotten as big as my ego and he's just not used to that sort of pressure, see, and it's apparently nearly exploded."

Lily's eyes widened, "He's got appendicitis? Oh poor baby!" She turned and hurried along the corridor, a worried expression on her face as she went, "And on his birthday!"

James paused, smirking to himself at how worried she was about Remus, then hurried to catch up with her. "Evans. Wait." He caught her arm and she paused at the top of the stairwell. "Pomfrey's kicked us all out, she's not going to let you in to see him... Newt Scamander's performed the operation, they said he's alright and all, but she doesn't want anybody in there - so... since we can't see him anyway 'ti morning... I - I thought maybe you'd want to go out to the shack to watch one of the films we stole from the Muggle Studies classroom."

Lily stared up at him.

He stared at her with as innocent a face as he could possibly muster. The slightest bit of mischief twinkled behind his thick-lashed eyes.

"What film is it?" she asked.

James grinned and reached for his book bag slung 'round his shoulders from earlier still and reached inside, "We have a fine assortment here... but this is the one I had in mind." He handed her a plastic cased video tape box, encasing Bambi.

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