Tis But A Scratch

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TIs But A Scratch

The full moon was a Thursday and the morning of it, Remus couldn't get out of bed. He lay with his face pressed into the pillows, gritting his teeth as the muscles of his legs and back tightened and the bones of his spine cracked menacingly with every move he made. His head hurt so badly he could barely open his eyes. "Go on without me," he told the boys when they tried waking him up to go to breakfast. "Please take notes in the classes for me..."

Sirius lingered in the doorway longest, his hands on the knob, staring back at Remus as he moaned in discomfort. He thought about skiving off classes - not a lot of help that one class would do for making him pass or fail the O.W.L.s anyway, right? If he stayed, he could rub Remus's back, could work at unknotting the muscles that pained him... could alleviate some of ache in the bones... could help make aconite tea and maybe draw a hot bath in the Gryffindor prefect's toilet before it was time for Remus to go out to the Shrieking Shack...

He doesn't want you, Achlys whispered. He doesn't want your help. You're a nuisance to him, and will only make his suffering worse if you go back. You're a nuisance to everyone, but especially to Remus Lupin after all you've done that he can never forgive you for... last thing he wants is you touching him.

Sirius turned and pulled the door shut behind him.

Remus lay there on the bed, his brain feeling as though it were throbbing against the inside of his skull, a constant dull ache that pulsated and robbed him of his mental capacities. He could barely remember to breathe through the haze of the ache. His eyes were squeezed shut tight and he kept his back to the door.

He heard the door open a few moments later and he whispered, "Sirius?" hopefully.

"Sorry to disappoint but, alas, it is only I," came Dumbledore's voice calmly from behind him.

Remus might've been embarrassed for Dumbledore to see the state of the dormitory as it was if it hadn't been for the massive headache. He felt the bed shift as Dumbledore sat on the edge by his feet and there was a cool touch to his forehead - Dumbledore's wand - and Dumbledore whispered, "Alleviate", and it was like a cool breeze rolled through Remus's skull, drawing away the pain that clouded it.

Remus opened his eyes slowly as the pressure subsided. "Merlin's beard, you'll need to teach me that one," he whispered gratefully.

Dumbledore smiled and patted Remus's hip gently. The pain in Remus's muscles and bones were still there, but at least he could think again, and he felt hot tears drying on his cheek bones. "I do apologize for having not shown it to you sooner," Dumbledore replied. He smiled sadly at the trembling form of the teenage boy before him and he said, quietly, "I've come to help you in getting out to the Shack," he explained, "And I also have something rather important to discuss with you in addition."

Remus blinked up at him.

"About this summer and the arrangements we shall be making for your placement."

Remus sighed and closed his eyes again.

Dumbledore continued on, "I've several prospects once again this year. You'll be most disappointed to learn, perhaps, that Walburga Black has not renewed her offer, however."

"Whatever will I do with myself?" Remus murmured.

Dumbledore's lips twitched at the sarcasm. "Unfortunately, neither has the Weasley family, as Molly is rather pregnant and expecting over the summer."

"Couldn't have gone with them anyway with my furry little problem," whispered Remus.

"Too true," Dumbledore murmured.

The Marauders Year Five Part 2 #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now