Jace Wayland - "Come over here and make me."

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"Jace?" You whispered, constantly looking over your shoulders. There was nothing but darkness around you and the waves crashing on the boat didn't manage to calm your nerves. "Jace where are you?" You hissed between your teeth now.

"You're not real." Jace froze when he saw you. His hair was glued to his forehead and he had all his muscles tensed. "You're Valentine. I don't fall for that trick again."

You frowned your eyebrows. "Valentine? Trick? Did I miss something?" You crossed your arms over your chest. "I had actually thought you'd be happy to see me and would want to get out of here." You cocked your head. "Don't you want to go home?"

"Valentine, you can stop this madness." Jace shook his head again. "I'm not stupid." He lifted his chin and straightened his back. "Find another trick to test my loyalty." He almost spit out the last word and you stepped back.

"He did quite a number on you, didn't he?" You licked your lips, feeling a little bit nervous. You had actually wanted to be gone by now, before someone would find out that you were here. "What do I need to do to let you believe it's really me and not your so called father playing tricks on you?"

Jace swallowed. "Come here and make me." He sighed a few times. "Make me believe it's you." He had a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Please, make me believe it's you." His voice was trembling and you hurried towards him.

"Would your father do this?" You stood on the tips of your toes and pressed your lips to his.

Reluctantly Jace wrapped his arms around you, but when he noticed your tongue touching his lips he opened his mouth and let you in. "No...." He interrupted the kiss for a short moment. "He wouldn't."

"Great!" You smiled at him. "And now let's get out of here before your father does show up."

Jace Wayland - Shadowhunters drabbles & ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora