Being Jace's twin sister would include...

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Jace and you had been very young when your so called father, who turned out to be Valentine Morgenstern pretending to be Michael Wayland, died. Even though the Lightwoods had taken the two of you in and had always treated you like two of their own, there had always been this lingering thought that you and Jace couldn't trust anyone apart from each other. When Jace is in doubt about something, when he's afraid, when he doesn't know what to do, you are the one he comes to. He knows that you will never betray him, no matter what.

Since Jace and you had been training a lot together, you know each other's strengths and weaknesses to the fullest. Therefore you know better than anyone how to help Jace in a fight, just like he knows exactly how he has to fight alongside you. When Jace and you fight each other, it's always hard to predict who will win. Sometimes your mind and intelligence beats his brute force, sometimes it's the other way round. When the two of you fight together however there is no way anyone can beat you. Isabelle and Alec have tried quite often, but they've never succeeded.

Even though Jace is honest with you and trusts you, you don't need him to tell you how he feels. Jace maybe doesn't believe in the nonsense that twins share this invisible bond and that they always know how the other feels and when the other is in trouble, but you know that it isn't nonsense. You know how Jace feels before he has gotten the chance to figure it out himself and whenever he is in trouble or pain, you always know where and how to find him. Jace says quite often that it is because you are simply smart and good at figuring out where he has gone, but that doesn't explain why it also works the other way round. After all, every time you need Jace, he is there without you having to ask for it.

Jace does however know that he doesn't need to keep an eye on you all the time. He knows that you're as safe as he is and that you're an amazing fighter. Even though he prefers going on missions with you, simply because you are a great team and are much more efficient at solving cases than anyone else, he knows that sometimes you have to go on missions on your own or with Izzy by your side. Not once has he been worried while you were gone without him. Not only does he trust Izzy and does he know that she will protect you, he also knows that you can take care of yourself perfectly fine.

However, enemies do know that you and Jace are quite close and Valentine has often used it against you. If Valentine needed one of you to do something, he simply threatened the life of the other and knew that he would end up getting what he wanted. Jace hates it that it is this simple for powerful higher demons and people like Valentine to manipulate him, but even though he knows that you are living dangerous lives, he couldn't imagine a life without you. He refuses to imagine a life without you. And if that means that you are his greatest weakness, so be it. 

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