Jace Wayland - "You can lie to yourself but don't lie to me"

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"What the hell was that?" You couldn't move. Your feet were glued to the pavement and all your muscles were frozen.

"That was a demon." Jace squeezed his eyes while he stared at you. He had told you about demons before, but this was the first time you had actually seen one. "It can't harm you anymore. I killed it."

"I saw that, yes..." You replied, but your voice was trembling and you couldn't shake the image from your mind. You had never realized that demons were this scary, this terrifying, this lethal.

Jace was always talking about them as if they were easy to kill, as if they were nothing but annoying flies, as if him going to work was not more dangerous than any other job could possibly be.

"You saw that?" Jace frowned his eyebrows and he walked towards you with slow steps while he placed his hands on your shoulders. "You're not supposed to see that." He checked your neck, your wrists. "Did a vampire give you his blood? Did a demon sting you? Did something happen you didn't tell me about?" He lifted your head up and forced you to look straight into his eyes.

"I..." You licked your lips and wanted to look away, but Jace's strong held made that impossible. "I was walking home a couple of nights ago and this guy came to me..." You swallowed. "He asked me if I could deliver a message to you." You paused for a moment. "I don't really remember what happened after he said that..."

"What did he look like?" Jace's expression hardened and for the first time you realised why it always sounded as if killing demons wasn't much more to him than killing a fly. "I need to know each and every detail. If I see that downworlder..."

"I'm fine, Jace, really, there is no need to worry about it." You curled your fingers around his wrist and bit your lip while you looked up at him.

"You can lie to yourself, but don't lie to me." Jace tightened his grip on your chin. "You've just seen a demon for the first time and who knows what you ran into last week. It's impossible that you're fine." He pulled his hand back and he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer towards him.

"I'm in love with a shadowhunter. I knew that would come with a few hiccups and challenges." You whispered, but you placed your hands on Jace's chest to hold onto him. "I can handle it, really."

"Well, to be sure I'm gonna take you to the institute right now." Jace lifted you up without asking anything. "With a little luck that new sight of yours will disappear again. And that downworlder that wanted to send a message, will get an answer. I can guarantee that he won't like it." He started walking and you closed your eyes while you let your head rest on his chest. "No one harms, hurts or touches you."   

Jace Wayland - Shadowhunters drabbles & ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now