Preference: They forgot Valentine's day

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Jace knew that something was wrong the moment you refused to kiss him goodnight. It took him three more hours of staring at the ceiling before he found out that he had forgotten about Valentine's day even though you had been reminding him of it for at least three weeks straight. Therefore he prepared a belated surprise for you the next day.

You came home from hunting an extremely aggressive demon and when you opened the door of your shared bedroom you smelled roses and vanilla candles. You followed your nose to the bathroom and there you found a bath filled with rose petals and loads of foam.

"I'm sorry about forgetting Valentine's day." Jace appeared, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "The next few days will all be our Valentine's days."

"So, this is only the beginning?" Your lips curled up into a smile and Jace nodded. "In that case, maybe you are forgiven, even if you forget about it again next year."

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