Jace Herondale - "Stop being so cute"

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For the tenth time in the last two minutes you checked the ring around your finger. It was blinking in the early morning sun and every time a ray of sunshine reached your eyes you couldn't help curling your lips up into a smile. You couldn't believe that he had asked you, that he had really asked you, that he had gone down on one knee and that he had been saying all those wonderful, lovely and beautiful words.

"I'd almost say you like that ring more than you like me!" Jace pressed a kiss to your cheek and he placed both his strong hands on your shoulders. "Would you still love it as much if I told you that the diamond in your engagement ring is fake?" He raised his eyebrows and you frowned yours.

"It is?" You stared at the ring once more, at the small glimpse of a rainbow it was giving you, at the shimmering from all possible angles. "You didn't buy me a fake diamond ring did you?" You licked your lips and you looked up, straight into the wonderful eyes of your future husband. "I really thought it was real..."

"It is." Jace curled his lips up into a smile and he shook his head while he sat down in the chair next to you. "It was a joke, babe, I swear. I'd never give you a fake ring. I'd be a horrible douchebag if I'd do so, don't you think?" He locked his glance with yours and you bit your lip.

"Well, you have to admit that you do have your moments of being a douchebag once in awhile." You cocked your head and blinked a few times while you smiled an innocent smile at him. "One can never be too sure with you."

"Really, can you stop being so cute?" Jace pressed the palm of his hand to your cheek while he leaned towards you so he could kiss your lips. "You made me think for a moment that you really believed I gave you a fake diamond!"

"Jace..." You smiled and shook your head. "Of course I didn't think you would do that. You would do a lot of things, but you wouldn't ask me to marry you with a ring with a fake diamond." You kissed him back and curled your arms around his neck. "And even if I would think you would do something like that, I'm sure that your grandmother wouldn't allow you to."

Jace's laughter echoed through the kitchen and he grabbed your hand looking at the ring he had given you himself. "Imo...my grandmother gave it to me a couple of weeks ago when she noticed that I was looking for a ring to ask you." Jace took a deep breath and the smile on his face faded. "This is the ring my mother has worn before my parents got married."

You felt a tear rolling down your cheek and your curled your fingers around his wrist. "I'm sure that your parents are watching you somewhere and are so proud of everything you're doing right now."

"I hope so."

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