Jace Wayland - "You can lie to yourself, but don't lie to me" (2)

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Triggerwarning: Sexual assault

"Aren't you a pretty face?" A guy you had never met before grabbed your chin and when he smiled you could already smell that he had a little too much alcohol in his blood. "So, are we going to your house or my house tonight?" He laughed even louder and he wrapped his arms around you to press you to his chest.

"Neither..." Your voice was barely a whisper and you had your eyes wide open while you felt the guy's hand moving lower and lower down your back.

"Oew! You like adventure! I can appreciate that!" He squeezed your behind and you felt your stomach turning around. "Maybe you won't mind if my friend here would play along too?"

All your muscles tensed and you bit your lip. "Get the hell away from me..." You hissed between your teeth and slapped him in the face. You were certain that you wouldn't have gotten away if the alcohol had not slowed him down, but now you managed to run away and disappear into the crowd. You didn't even realize that the tears were rolling down your cheeks. You didn't realize anything anymore. The world was nothing but a blur until you ran into a strong and fierce male body.

"Hey!" Jace grabbed your shoulders and you stiffened. "What's wrong?" He squeezed his eyes and he used his thumb to wipe your tears away.

"Nothing..." You swallowed and you took a few deep breaths. "I'm fine." You straightened your back and lifted your chin, but your body was still trembling.

"You can lie to yourself, but don't lie to me." Jace shook his head and he lead you through the door of the club. "What happened?" He crossed his arms over his chest as soon as you were outside.

Only half an hour ago you had been laughing and enjoying the rush of alcohol through your veins, but that short moment of the guy's hands on your behind had sobered you up in an instant. "Just a man being a man..."

"What did he do to you?" Jace narrowed his eyes and he locked his glance with yours. "What did that horrible pig do?"

You took a deep breath and while stumbling over your own words, you told him everything. You told him about the horrible opening sentence. You told him about how the man had touched you. You told him about the indecent offer he had made you.

"I'm going back inside." Jace's expression hardened and he curled his fingers around his sword. "No one has the right to touch you."

"Jace..." You took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. "Let it go. He was drunk and he probably didn't even know what he was doing."

"Let it go?" Jace raised his eyebrows. "He's still drunk and he still doesn't know what he's doing. There are more girls in there. It's already bad enough this happened to you. I'm gonna make sure it won't happen to anyone else. What did he look like?"

You managed to curl your lips up into a smile while you tried to describe the guy as well as you could. "Before you go back inside, can you call Izzy to take me home while you deal with him?" You swallowed. "I don't want to be alone right now."

"Yes, I'm sure she'll be out in a minute." Jace grabbed his phone and his fingers rapidly typed a message to get his sister to come and take care of you.



"Try to keep him alive, okay?"

"I don't promise anything."

Jace Wayland - Shadowhunters drabbles & ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora