Jace Wayland - "Baby, it's cold outside"

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You looked up when a huge alarm echoed through the halls of the institute. Footsteps were echoing through the hallway. People were screaming and you could almost sense the panic that chased away the calm.

"Don't worry. It just means there's demon activity somewhere." Jace shrugged his shoulders while he stood up from the bed. "I will tell the others that I'll bring you home safely and will help them chase the bastard afterwards."

You smiled at his comment. You were sure that you were perfectly safe on your own, but you actually liked it that he was protective of you even though there was no need to be. "Does the alarm only ring for evil downworlders?" You kept your question light, almost bringing it as a joke, but you were really curious about the answer.

"Yes, of course." Jace nodded while his lips curled up into a small smile. "If we'd have to ring it for every downworlder it wouldn't stop at all."

"That's good to know then." You stood up from the bed too and walked through the door. You still felt a little uncomfortable in the institute. As if you were some intruder spying on the enemy. You weren't and you were glad that the mindset of the shadowhunters had changed in such a way that they knew that, but there seemed to be a difference between knowing it and feeling it.

"I'm sorry that our evening had to end like this." Jace grabbed his leather jacket before he opened the front door. He shivered and you could hear his heart racing in his chest.

"I guess it's the price for dating a shadowhunter. I understand. If something would happen to my people, I would want to help them first too." You grabbed his arm and curled your hand around it. "As long as your people are not going after one of my people we're fine." You smiled and Jace smiled back at you. Even in the moonlight you could see how the color of his eyes was slightly uneven.

"We know that your people are in no way a threat to ours or to the humans we're protecting." Jace placed his hand on yours and squeezed it encouraging. "You'll be fine." He shivered again, the cold wind blowing in his face. "Here, take my jacket, it's cold outside."

You had to bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. "Jace Wayland..." You stood still and crossed your arms over your chest. "Have you forgotten that I'm a vampire and don't even notice that it's cold outside?" You raised your eyebrows and curled your lips up into a smile while you looked at him. "Looks like you could use that extra jacket a lot more than I do." You took your jacket off and draped it around his shoulders. "You can borrow mine." You teased him a little while you pecked his cheek.

"I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to this." Jace let out a deep sigh, but he didn't remove the jacket. "I don't think I've ever dated a girl giving me her jacket."

"There is a first time for everything, Jace Wayland."

"Yeah, I've noticed."

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