Jace Wayland -"Tell me you need me."

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You sat on the roof of the institute and took a few deep breaths while you let everything Jace had told you sink in. "I'm too sober for this..." You shook your head and rolled your eyes once more. "I'm too sober to believe in vampires and werewolves and warlocks and..." You frowned your eyebrows and turned your face towards him. "What were you called again?"

"Shadowhunters." Jace's lips formed a straight line and he had a frown on his forehead. "We protect the humans against demons and anything else that wants to hurt them."

"Right, shadowhunters." You raised your eyebrows and repeated the word a few times to get used to it's sound. "I do have to admit that this is the most original excuse ever for letting me wake up alone each and every morning."

"This is not a joke, (Y/N). I'm serious." Jace sighed and he pressed his knees to his chest while he wrapped his arms around his legs.

"I know..." You let your shoulder brush his. "Why can't you appreciate my sense of humor?" You curled your lips up into a slight smile. "You just dumped an awful lot of information on me. I need to cope with all of that somehow." You shrugged your shoulders and then you shivered when the cold evening wind touched your skin.

"I wanted to be honest with you." Jace seemed a little uncomfortable while he stared into nowhere. "If you don't want to be part of this world, I understand that." His voice was barely a whisper and the tough Jace Wayland, who never seemed to lose his confidence, now looked like a small insecure boy.

"You think I'm gonna run away from you now?" You raised your eyebrows. "After I worked so incredibly hard to make you fall in love with me?" You widened your eyes and dropped your jaw. "I don't think so, Jace Wayland." You shook your head. "You're a..." You paused for a moment and licked your lips. "Shadowhunter. So what?" You placed a hand on his back. "What's the difference with being a fireworker or a policeman?"

"I hunt demons, not criminals." Jace interrupted you and you chuckled.

"Policemen get shot and killed too. Fireworkers end up dead in burning buildings too. You have a dangerous profession. Well, so be it." You paused for a moment and placed a finger on Jace's lips when he wanted to say something again. "And don't tell me that I should be scared of the demons and vampires and other creatures from hell. It's not like they all of a sudden stop existing just because I decide to run away from you."

"No, they don't." Jace eventually curled his lips up into a slight smile and then he seemed to notice that you were still shivering. "Here, take my blanket." He didn't wait for your answer and draped it around your shoulders. "But they could come after you just because they can't hurt me."

"I'm pretty sure that the hero-part in my story suits you." You winked and then you let your head rest on his shoulders. "Look, maybe I'm getting more scared once I see one of these things or end up almost dead or something, but for now, for now I just want to be with you. So, can you please tell me that you don't want me to go anywhere? Can you please tell me you need me?"

"I don't want you to go anywhere." Jace wrapped an arm around you and his lips kissed your hair. "I need you."


Jace Wayland - Shadowhunters drabbles & ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now