Jace Wayland - "If you had asked me to stay, I would've."

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You could barely keep your eyes open and you leaned on your elbow while you tried to finish your breakfast. You weren't hungry either. You were only terrified that all of a sudden a weird and scary thing would show up out of nowhere. Again. If you had managed to get any sleep, you would have had nightmares, you were sure about that.

"Hey..." Jace walked into the kitchen and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Your mother let me in." He answered the question before you could ask him and you nodded. "Everything okay?"

You raised your eyebrows and wondered what okay meant in his book. Of course you weren't okay. You were almost killed by a slimy scary monster with tentacles and you had only known that because Jace Wayland had killed him. You already regretted that you had asked him how the thing really had looked like. Now you couldn't shake the image anymore and your own rich imagination had probably made it look even worse than it actually did.

"You're not in shock, are you?" Jace waved his hand in front of your face when you didn't answer and he let out a relieved sigh when you shook your head and raised your eyebrows.

"I don't have a scratch or broken bone. Just a damaged mind, but I already had that, so I suppose I can live with that." You forced your lips to curl up and Jace sat down in the seat next to you without smiling back. "Thanks for saving my hopeless ass and thanks for describing so vividly what you saved me from."

"You asked for it!" Jace raised his voice a little and you rolled your eyes once more.

"You could have tried to make it a little cuter and a little less terrifying and you could have tried to make it sound like those things are not around every corner and most likely will never show up again ever in my life." You tried once more to take a bite from your bread, but the smell already made you feel slightly sick.

"You wanted me to lie to you? Really?" Jace placed a hand on yours.

"No, I didn't want you to lie to me." You shrugged your shoulders. "Just glamouring up the truth a little or something like that."

"I still call that lying." He shook his head and he squeezed your hand slightly. "I'm sorry that this demon came after you. I'm sure he figured out that I like you." Jace's cheeks starting blushing and you licked your lips. Jace was not the type of guy to be vulnerable and breakable and that's why you could imagine being able to sleep again in the future when you could sleep next to him. If someone could protect you, it would be Jace.

"I'm sorry too, especially because I actually happen to like sleeping, but I'm afraid that's ruined for quite some time now." You sighed and turned your face to Jace.

"You didn't sleep?" He raised his eyebrows and you shook your head.

"All of a sudden I understood why some girls really want a knight in shining armor to protect them from the monster under the bed, although I don't think they know how literally that monster can be." You tried to relax a little, but your muscles were still tensed.

"If you had asked me to stay, I would've." Jace curled his lips up into a small encouraging smile.

"Good, in that case I want you to sleep next to me for the rest of my life." You smiled back at him and Jace grinned.

"That won't be a problem."

Jace Wayland - Shadowhunters drabbles & ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora