Jace Wayland - "You know I'm gonna win, right?"

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You had your arms crossed over your chest while you watched Jace and Alec. You had heard the stories about them and you had heard that they were amazing fighters, but you had never actually seen so yourself.

"It's quite impressive, isn't it?" Isabelle stood next to you and she had her red lips curled up into a smile. "Jace has extraordinary skills, but Alec knows him better than anyone which makes it almost an even fight." She cocked her head a little and you bit your lip while you stared at the blinking swords they were holding.

You had always dreamed of holding one, of knowing how to use one. You had always dreamed of being able to defend your own honor instead of depending on a guy to defend it for you. "Can I try?" You stared at Jace and Jace smiled one of his rare, but more than beautiful, smiles at you.

"Sure, come over here." His hand went through his hair and drops of sweat covered his forehead. "Did you ever hold a sword before?" After you had shaken your head, Jace stood behind you. He pressed his chest to your back and he guided your hand while you curled your fingers around the held of the sword. "Put your feet like this." He used his own foot to position yours. "Don't tense your muscles. Loosen them up a little and let the sword dance."

You stuck your tongue between your lips while you tried to follow the movements Jace was teaching you. The sword was a little heavier than you had thought it would be, but slowly you started to get the hang of it and at a certain moment Jace stepped back and let your hand go. "I feel quite impressive and powerful right now, actually." You grinned and Jace chuckled.

"You're holding a weapon for the first time in your life. In a fight you know I'm gonna win, right?" Jace cocked his head a little while he walked around you so he could face you again. "Want a small taste of that fight?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, but little lights were twinkling in his eyes and you nodded eagerly.

You knew that if Jace wanted he could probably disarm you in seconds, but that didn't mean that you were just going to give up without even trying. You had never been a quitter and you wouldn't become one right now. You tightened your grip on the sword and waited until Alec had given Jace his.

"Ready?" Jace didn't wait for you to answer. He stepped forward and his sword hit yours.

You could feel it in your entire body and for a moment you couldn't breath. In a real fight you would have been dead already, but Jace gave you the time to get used to the sensation that was slightly overwhelming and even a bit painful. But as soon as you had caught your breath Jace started moving again.

He was fast. He was elegant. He was efficient. He kept his eyes on you to make sure he wouldn't hurt you and still he managed to give you the feeling like you were actually fighting, like you were one of those noble knights from all those heroic stories. When you were almost out of breath, Jace let the point of his sword touch your chest, right where your heart was beating fast. "Not bad, for a beginner." He smiled and with the sword still on your chest he stepped towards you until he could wrap his arms around you. He dropped his weapon on the floor and you did the same while he pressed a kiss on your lips. "I think we should do this more often. I'd feel a lot better if I knew you could defend yourself when needed."

"I've always wanted to be a badass warrior."

"Then let's make you one."  

Jace Wayland - Shadowhunters drabbles & ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now