Being Jace Wayland's younger sister would include...

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Your childhood has not always been easy, but you have always been there for each other and you both know that you'll always be there for each other, no matter what happens. When Jace is in trouble, you are the first to volunteer to help him and when you're in trouble there is no way he allows anyone to go save you but himself. 

Jace never lets you go on missions on your own. He knows that you're an amazing fighter and he knows that you can defend yourself, but he goes out of his mind when he doesn't know if you're safe. Therefore he makes sure he's in every team you're in.

You are the one who always knows how Jace is feeling. You know what it means when his lip is trembling a little. You know how he's doing by simply looking into his eyes. Since Jace knows that he can't hide anything for you, he trusts you, even with those things that makes him feel vulnerable.

When Jace falls in love with Clary you are a little afraid that things between you and Jace will change. Jace keeps on assuring you that it won't and to prove it he always picks your side when you and Clary don't agree. You however also see how happy Clary makes Jace and how much he loves her and therefore you don't want to stand in their way.

Not only Jace is protective over you, Isabelle and Alec also see you as their little sister. Isabelle makes sure to overwhelm you with fashion ideas and make up advice, while Alec is the one who has taught you how to use a bow. No one has ever been allowed to touch his bow, but he happily makes an exception for you.

When you get your very first boy- or girlfriend, Jace is very sceptic and negative at first. He truly believes that the person you've fallen in love with is not good enough for you. But, when he finds out that you truly love him or her, he will try to show his very best behavior and will make sure that your significant other is always safe.

When you can't sleep at night and sneak into Jace's room, he'll never get angry with you. Instead he will lift the blanket and will ask you what's wrong and will do his very best to calm you down. He won't mind it that you fall asleep in his bed, even if that means he won't sleep himself anymore.

Sometimes Jace and you end up in a heavy fight. The two of you can scream and yell at each other and neither of you are holding back when that happens. The first time Isabelle and Alec witnessed one of your fights, they had been very worried and had been afraid that the two of you would never ever talk again. But usually you already make up again a few minutes after the fight.

Jace and you both struggle when you think that Valentine is your father. You try to support each other and try to tell each other that it's more important who raised you and that most of the time the Lightwoods have been the ones taking care of you. But you both feel a certain darkness and fear inside of you and you are the only one who can fully understand how he feels, while he is the only one who can fully understand how you feel.

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