Jace Herondale - "I'm too sober for this"

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You had not met a man before who didn't mind being stared at, but somehow Jace's lips always curled up into a smile when you forgot to speak and drowned in his eyes, slightly uneven in color. "So..." You shook your head and tried to remember what the two of you had been talking about. "I'm celebrating my birthday in a few weeks and I wondered if maybe you wanted to come too?" You licked your lips and avoided his glance. "I know we're only together for a few weeks yet, but it would feel kinda weird to not invite you." You looked up and your eyes met his once more. For a second you forgot how to breath. "You can of course bring a few friends, if you want?"

Jace kept silence for a moment. He took another sip from his drink and he looked around before he leaned a little closer towards you. "Look..." He hesitated for a moment. "I know that things between us seem pretty serious right now, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to invite me and my friends to your party."

You were waiting for him to add the yet, but the yet didn't come and you felt an unpleasant shiver rolling down your spine. "Yes, I get it, it's too soon, maybe next year." You tried to shake the disappointment, but Jace reached for your hand and the way he grabbed it made your frown your eyebrows.

"You and I..." He paused for a moment. "It was supposed to be just a one night thing." He looked at his fingers rubbing your knuckles. "It should have been just a one night thing." He didn't look up, instead he kept on rubbing your fingers, holding onto it as if he was gathering all the courage he could find. "Damn it..." He cursed after a few seconds and he took a deep breath. "You're a human. You don't fit into my world. My world is dangerous."

You squeezed your eyes and shook your head. If you had not been sitting here with him for hours already, you would have thought that he was drunk or maybe even stoned. "What do you mean?" You bit your lip and placed your hand on his, even though you could feel it trembling. "We're all human, right?" You tried to meet his eyes, but he turned his head away from you.

"No, we're not." He whispered. "That man over there is a vampire." He pointed at a charming young man in a suit in the corner of the bar. "The girl bringing our drinks is a werewolf." He nodded at the dark skinned pretty woman smiling when your eyes met hers. "And I'm a hunter. I make sure none of them hurt someone like you."

"Jace..." You swallowed and then you took a deep breath. "You're joking now, aren't you? Because if you're not, I might need a lot of drinks. I'm too sober for this..." You held your breath while Jace didn't answer, didn't react, didn't even move.

Until he curled his lips up into a smile and cocked his head. "It was a joke, babe, I swear." He let your hand go and crossed his arms over his chest. The smile he was smiling didn't reach his eyes however and a part of you couldn't shake the feeling that maybe his words held more truth than he liked you to believe. "I'll invite Izzy and Alec to your birthday too."

You couldn't help smiling back though and tried to shake the uneasy feeling. "I can't wait to get to know them and I can't wait to introduce you to my friends!"

"I'm sure they'll be jealous." Jace relaxed a little. "But I'm afraid there can only be one me."

"I'm glad there is only one you." You leaned back in your chair. "Don't you ever dare to scare me like that again, okay?"

Jace hesitated for a moment and then he nodded almost invisibly. "I promise."

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