New Power Inside Me

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Me and John made our way into the building, heading for the main hall for practise. When I pushed open the colossal door, my eyes lit up with excitement. There was a mat that covered the floor and on the walls hung weapons of all types. The hard wooden floor boards were stiff and strong as my heels clicked along them. John lead me to the mat, taking my hand and letting it go when I stepped on.

"Might want to take off your shoes Kath" He said, giving me a kind smile. I blushed with embarrassment as I kicked off my heels" yeah best idea." I replied, shaking them off.

"Katherine, first of all, I'm going to test your strength and mark it down over 10"

"Ok. What if I get a low score?"

"We will have to fix that problem. But from what I've been hearing, I don't think that would be possible"

"Now, punch me as hard as you can, try to move me at least a meter" he said. My smile turned into a frown.

"Look, your a nice guy I bet, but I just cant... "

"No! Just punch me. I think I can handle it!"

I walked up to him regrettably and saw him make his back straighter, stiffening. He stretched body more so he could be pushed over less easily. "ok, I'm going to start now"

He smiled then toughened himself. I sent a hard forward punch to his chest, using most of the strength in my body to move him back. To his and my amazement, I shoved him more than 1 meter, I sent him flying quickly into the wall. As he landed, his body suck on the wall with massive cracks along the paint, denting into the brick. He them fell and landed on a heap on the floor. I ran, trying to help him up.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry john! I didn't know I was that powerful!" I said, helping him up. He shook his head while small pieces of wall paint flakes fell off his hair.

"I didn't know a vampire as new as you could pack a punch! especially like THAT!" he joked. Him joking made me sure he was ok, so a bright smile shot onto my face, complementing his. "ok that's strength covered, now for your current powers."

I went to the other side of the hall and nodded at him, making him take a few steps back, but he steadied his ground.
I pushed the negative thoughts away from my mind and only thought about electricity. All the mechanic objects in the room vibrated fiercely, before sparks of lightning shot out of them, shocking John violently, I stopped myself, knowing he was being hurt. he fell to the ground again, but instead of running over to him, I fell myself. The power I used had drained me a lot, but I quickly recovered. As I stood up, I found John struggling to his feet.

"John, I don't think I should train anymore, your hurt!" I said, pointing at his cut in his shoulder. before my eyes, the cut disappeared.

"I'm a regenerative vampire, I heal quickly." he said, touching his skin.

I readied myself again, nodding at him. He nodded back and fired a high level of kinetic energy at me. I touched my hand and created a mental shield around myself, blocking his attack. he fired multiple shots to try and break the barrier, but I held my ground, keeping the shield up. He smiled as he marked it down in a clipboard.

"Finally, time to test if you cannot be destroyed. I'm going to stab you"

A horrified look sprung on my face, looking at him with scared eyes.

"Don't worry! I'll regenerate you if I do manage to kill you"

My face filled with relief, but fear still lingered in my throat, making me nervous. He walked up to me an tried to push a dagger down the side of my hip, but it just bounced off, sending him skidding on the floor till he screeched to a stop. He held his hand up to say he was ok before he jumped on his feet. "Excellent marks Katherine! Now to upgrade your current powers and hopefully, find a new one" he said walking up to me.

"Can't wait!" I said, walking beside him.

Hi I need 5 comments and 10 reads to continue. If I get 5 comments in two days, I'll update early. THX and enjoy!

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