Now I can see your pretty face.

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Something whizzed past my ear. I immediately brought out my guns and held them up. Clint had dropped the bags and had his bow out. He apparently saw whoever was shooting at us and killed him. An arrow flew through the air and I heard a scream. Clint started walking towards the bushes where the screams came from. He returned with his arrow and put it back in his quiver.

"That was close. I almost got shot." I absently rubbed my ear.

"They're looking for us." He said, picking up our bags. We walked almost at a jog. My mind wondered as we did so. What's gonna happen to us tomorrow? Will one of us die? If Clint dies, it'll be my fault. If I wouldn't have brought him into the situation, he wouldn't be in harm's way. What would happen to him if I died? I wonder how he'd react.... He said before that he didn't want me dead.... Did that mean he had feelings for me? I knew that if the mafia got ahold of me, I'd be tortured with no mercy. By the time I snapped to reality, it was dark. Clint stopped by a bunch of bushes. "We should camp here." He said. I nodded. I took my bag and put it on the ground. "If we leave by the crack of dawn, we should be in Budapest by tomorrow evening."

"Kay." I nodded. I put my duffle bag under my head and turned on my side with my back to Clint. I wasn't mad at him, I was just laying like that. He laid down under a tree close to me.

"Don't be mad at me." He put his hand on mine, which happened to be on my hip.

"I'm not." I whispered.

"Then why are you turned away from me?" He asked. "Your body is radiating anxiousness."

"Shit." I sat up. I put my knees to my chest and ran my hands through my long, red hair. Every other god damn day I could change and hide my fucking emotions. "Oh my god." I mumbled. I left my hands on the back of my head and put my forehead on my knees.

"What?" Clint asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head. I took a deep breathe. "You're loosing it Natasha." Great! I started talking to myself. I groaned and started tapping my foot on the ground.

"Nat?" Clint put his hand on my leg. "Deep breathes." I hadn't noticed I was breathing heavily. I slowly took in a deep breathe and exhaled, my hands were shaky. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess with all this shit I'm just shaky and shit. I'm going to sleep. Night Clint." I replied.

"Night Nat." He smiled. I laid down and turned on my side, facing Clint.

"Does this make you happy?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Very much so. Now I can see your pretty face." He smiled brightly. I laughed and my cheeks probably turned a light pink. The space between us was probably a foot, but by the time we woke up, there wasn't any space whatsoever.

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