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Clint and I have done a few missions since he came out of the coma. He'd gone on a few missions by himself but I apparently wasn't trusted enough to go by myself yet. I don't blame Fury. I don't trust myself half the time. Clint was currently packing for a mission.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Germany. Just for a few days." He hugged me and kissed my forehead. He wore his normal outfit; tight fitting black tee with the SHIELD logo on the front chest and black pants. His duffle bag was over his shoulder with his bow and his quiver was on his back "I love you."

"Love you too, Clint. Bye." I waved as he left. It was storming outside, thunder cracked across the sky. I was in a tan, loose fitting, long sleeve and a black tank top. My hair was pulled back in a messy bun. I waved as Clint left in his black truck. I stayed at the door for a few minutes, not wanting to accept that he left. I shut the door and locked the dead bolt. I watched tv, did 'Natasha Romanoff's yoga', and slept the whole day. I didn't really know what to do without him. I hated it when he left. It was around midnight when I went to the bathroom. I shaved my legs and washed myself. I put on lotion afterwards. The bed seemed so empty without him when I went to bed. I had the same nightmare for the past three months, of me killing Clint. Even though I expected the dream, it scared the living hell out of me. My phone woke me up around two in the afternoon. I never slept right, ever since Clint was in the coma.

"Agent Romanoff? We need you to get down to base." Fury said. The tone in his voice made me a little scared.

"Why?" I asked. He hesitated.

"Its Barton."

"I'll be down there in a second." I hung up immediately. I put on black pants and a red tank top with a black leather jacket. I rushed to base. What the hell could've happened to Clint already? He probably only spent literally twenty four hours there. Yet again, Germany isn't the nicest place to go. I speed walked to Fury's office. "What's wrong with Barton?"

"We lost signal with him. We can't contact him. You know him best. I'm sending you a few other agents in to find him. He's one of my best agents." Fury said.

"I'm ready whenever your agents are." I held my duffle bag of weapons on my shoulder.

"They're on a jet." Fury nodded. I turned and walked to the loading platform where the jet was. The flight took a few hours. To be honest, I was nervous as hell the whole way, but I kept my poker face on the whole time. The agents were all males. They listened to me, so I was okay with that. We had a location of Clint. He was in a warehouse in one of the tiny cities. I led the group to the warehouse.

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