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It had been two days since I moved out of Clint's place. He told me to give him one more day to try to get us a mission somewhere in Asia. My phone rang, it was him.

"Hey." I answered the phone.

"Get ready to leave. We're going to Hungary again." He sighed.

"Okay." I nodded and hung up. Great. Back to damned Budapest. Maybe I could slip over to Ukraine.... But I couldn't do that to Clint. I wasn't going to go back to Russia, I just wanted one of my 'friends' to help me with my fighting again. Damn. I packed a few pairs of clothes, a few knives, a few pistols, and boots. I put on black leather pants, a red tank top, and a black leather jacket. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out to my car. I made it to base at the same time Clint did. I held back a smile when I saw him. We walked into the base together.

"Hello Natasha." He greeted. His voice sounded funny.

"Hi Clint." I held back a laughed. We never greeted each other like this! Ha! We went into a room where Fury was waiting for us.

"You two are going back to Budapest. They've had an outbreak of robberies, shootings, and so on since you guys wiped out their mafia. I'm putting you two back out there." Fury ordered.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Agent Coulson?" Fury pressed his ear. Coulson walked into the room and handed us bags.

"These are the things you'll need." He said before leaving. Clint and I got on to a jet and a few hours later, ended up in Budapest. Again. They gave us a jeep with a full tank of gas and put us in the middle of no where. Again. I drove since Clint drove like a grandma through the desert type thing shit. I parked the jeep off to the edge of the wooded area. I sat on the ground, looking through my bag. I pulled out a machete. "They trust me with these things?" I pulled of a few pocket knives and actual cutting knives. "Stupid people." I laughed.

"That Black Widow side of you is coming out." Clint laughed.

"Yeah buddy." I laughed too. "Well. What did you get?"

"Few knives. A machete. Same as you." He sighed.

"Apparently they know we'll need these so something bad is gonna happen." I groaned and laid back.

"We're in Budapest. What do you expect?" Clint laid back with me.

"We should move towards the city until it gets dark." I sighed.

"Yeah." Clint picked up his bag. I stood up and we started riding in the jeep.

"So we have to stay in town until the crime rates go down?" I asked.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Most of the people there speak English so we won't had any problems with them. The only problem would be figuring out who's the bad ones and who's the good ones."

"Yeah." I sighed. By the time we reached the city, it was dark. We camped just outside of it for the night.

"Nat? Wake up, babe." Clint gently shook me awake. We were about a foot ball field length away from the actual city.

"What should I wear?" I asked myself.

"Do you really wanna know what I think you should wear?" Clint chuckled. I raised my eyebrows. "No clothing. Nothing on you."

"I'm sure you'd like that." I giggled. Suddenly, a gun went off. Clint took out his bow and held it up. Another fire was shot. This bullet hit Clint's chest.

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