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When I reached the door, I found out I didn't have the key. "God damn it." I kicked the door open and ran to my room. I stumbled into the doorway. I clutched the door frame to stay up right. The sting burned really really really bad. Oh god.

"Here." Clint picked me up and sat me on the bed.

"Clint. I need you..... to get me my bag." I panted. James was standing in the door way, his expression was unreadable. Clint handed me my bag. I pulled my shirt up so I could see my wound. I had to pull the waist band of my pants down a little to see it. I used tweezers to pull out the bullet. I put a gauze on it and taped it up. I laid back on the bed. "Why am I always the one to get shot?" I sat up. "And ya know what? I'm going to find that piece of shit that shot me." I started to get up but Clint stopped me.

"You don't need to do anything until you stop bleeding." He chuckled. I noticed James was gone.

"That dick took my damn pistol." I laid back on the bed.

"But you saved that boy." Clint murmured. I looked up and met his eyes. A light smile grew on my face.

"I did, didn't I?" I whispered.

"Yeah." He smiled. "We need to be going to sleep." He stood up and left. I fell asleep a few hours later.

"Hey Natasha? We need to be leaving." James knocked on the door.

"Okay." I stood up and opened the door. "Where's Clint?"

"Right here." He walked on into my room.

"Hello to you too." I laid back down on my bed.

"Have you looked through this?" Clint dumped out the bag Agent Coulson gave me on the bed.

"Nope." I mumbled. I propped up on my elbows and watched as he looked through my stuff. "Where are we going?"

"Just to one of the biggest restaurants in town. We may be following a few guys around." He replied. "Put something nice on." He winked before leaving. I dug through the clothes and pulled out a short black skirt and a white button up. I put that on and a pair of heels. I left the top few buttons open on the top. The skirt was slightly above my knee with a slit all the way up to my hip on the left side. The heels were black peep toes. I curled my red hair and put on makeup; eyeliner and mascara. I slipped my SHIELD I.D. in my pocket and walked out to the living room. Clint and James were waiting for me. James' jaw dropped. "Are you ready yet?" Clint chuckled.

"Actually no." I walked back to my room, grabbed my knife and went back out to the living room. "I am now."

"Come on." James chuckled. We walked to car and drive. "How come I always get the back seat?" James whined.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Twenty-two." He replied.

"Clint?" I asked.


"I'm twenty-six. So you're youngest and you get the honors of sitting in the back." I smiled. I looked out the window. A familiar face caught my eyes. I took off my heels. "Stop the car!" Clint slammed on the breaks. I jumped out of the car and sprinted after the guy who shot me. He saw me coming after him and ran. I pushed through the crowd of people. I turned down the ally where he had gone. I took out my knife. He as cornered agains the wall.

"Nat!" Clint yelled. Him and James appeared behind me. I threw my knife at the man. It hit him square in the area where his heart would be. I turned to Clint and the wide eyed James.

"I told you I was gonna kill his ass." I smiled in victory. I walked down to the man's body and took out my knife. I wiped the blood off on his shirt and put the knife away. I walked back to them. "Why are you so shocked James? You're like a statue." We started walking towards the car again.

"Where'd you learn to use a damn knife like that?" He laughed. "You Russians and the way you guys are." He mumbled to where I could barely hear him. I whipped around and had the knife to his neck.

"Do not say anything about or against Russia." I hissed while looking him in the eye. Fear flashed across them. I turned and walked back to the car. I slammed the door shut.

"That's the Black Widow side you don't want to be on." Clint started the car and we drove to a restaurant. We sat outside at a table. No one had talked since I had my words with James. Clint had his sunglasses on. Again!

"You and those damned glasses." I shook my head and laughed.

"You're just jealous." He put his nose up.

"Totally." I rolled my eyes. James had his arms crossed and was leaning back in his chair. He looked pissed. I wasn't going to say sorry. Natasha Romanoff doesn't say sorry. "I'm going for a little walk. I'll call you if I need anything." I stood up and started to walk.

"Be careful Natasha. You don't have a pistol or anything." Clint said.

"Oh I will." I sighed and walked off. I swung by the apartment. I used a bobby pin that was in my hair to open the door. I went in and locked it behind me. I took off those clothes and put on a black, tight fitting v-neck t-shirt and yoga pants. I felt like shit. I kept my hair down and put on tennis shoes. I hooked my pistol in its holster. I slipped on a black leather jacket and left. I walked down the street for about twenty minutes. The same heavy footsteps had been following me since I left the apartment building. I pulled out my pistol and turned, holding it to a large man's chest. He wasn't fat large, he was muscular large. He twisted my arm the wrong way. I yelled out in pain. I kicked off the side of the wall and landed on the man's shoulders. I had lost my pistol in the mix. He grabbed my hand and slammed me on to the concrete floor. My back erupted in pain. He threw fists at me, hitting my face. I whipped my foot around and connected it with the back of his knee. He fell to the floor. I moved just in time to escape from being crushed under him. I ran to my pistol. Something pierced the back of my thigh. Holy shit. What's the deal with French people and fucking knives?! I turned and shot him; twice in the face. I then fell to the ground myself. It started to rain really hard. Blood covered my leg. Why was I always getting hurt? Every damn mission Fury has sent me on has gotten me hurt. Well not all. I took out my phone. "Clint." I was barely able to hear myself.

"Natasha? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm in an alley in downtown." I replied. I dropped the phone and turned to my side. Sounds and sights would fade, then come back.

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