The Arrest

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When the alarm buzzed, I broke it with my fist. I got a shower and dried myself off. I put on the suit. It was dark blue and was revealing to my boobs. I put on black boots and put my pistols in their holsters. I slipped my S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D. in a pocket and walked out to the bedroom. Clint was putting on his boots. He wore a black leather jacket with leather jeans. He had his damn glasses on again. "Come on." I noticed my bag on the bed, it was full. "Did you pack my stuff Clint?"

"Wow Nat! You look...... hot!" He exclaimed. "Yes I did." He insisted on carrying my bag down to our car. He drove to the building and I got out.

"I'll be back." I took a deep breathe before walking into the building. I walked straight to the me stir and rode it up. I held my pistols up when the doors opened. No one was in the room. Mike would be back soon. I put my guns away, for now, and sat at my desk with my feet on it. Not even a minute later, Mile walked in. I stood up and walked over to his desk, slowly.

"Good morning." His eyes widened when he saw what I was wearing. "What do you want?" He put his hands behind his head.

"I want you to login to the company's website." I ordered.

"And if I don't?" He asked. I pulled out my pistol in a flash and held it to his head.

"I'll blow your brains out." I hissed in his ear. He shakily typed in the password and everything. I wrote down what I needed.

"Security!" Mike yelled. I hit him over his head with the butt of my gun. The elevator opened and two huge men walked towards me. I ran and jumped on one's back. I took out my knife and stabbed his back twice. The other man punched the side of my cheek. I twisted his arm backwards, showing no mercy. I kneed him in his gut and while he was hunched over, I kicked his face. He fell to the floor with a thud. I walked back over to Mike. I twisted his arm and held it against his back with his head on his desk. "You're an undercover agent!"

"Yeah." I smirked. "I'm Black Widow."

"No you aren't!" He yelled. I pressed my elbow to the back of his neck.

"You heard it yourself on the news. A red head and a dirty blonde were fighting in Budapest. I'm the red head. And my buddy over there, is the dirty blonde." I nodded to Clint, who walked out of the elevator. He held his bow over his shoulder. "I am Black Widow. He's Hawkeye." I cuffed Mike and walked him downstairs to the car. I shoved him into the back seat and shut the door before getting into the passenger seat myself. Clint blind folded Mike before we took him into the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. Clint held his elbow, I walked alongside them. We walked into a room. Clint put Fisher in a chair. I sat across from him and next to Clint, who took off the blindfold. I knew Fury was in the room on the other side of the mirror. Fisher put his cuffed hands on the table. I sat back in my seat, crossing my arms. Clint walked out of the room, but returned with a piece of paper which he handed to me.

"Why am I in here?" Fisher asked.

"Why are you selling illegal products to other countries?" I questioned.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Fisher shook his head.

"On really? Why is Afghanistan, Iraq, and Russia on your list of people you sell to?" I only listed the top ones.

"If you're the real Black Widow, aren't you from Russia?" He asked.

"I'm the one asking questions. We have all the shit we need to lock you up." I put my hands on the table. Clint looked amused.

"How'd you get it?" Fisher asked. He started tapping his fingers on the table.

"I have my ways." I was getting intolerable with him. Clint noticed and stepped in.

"You look nervous." He rubbed my knee under the table.

"Ohhhh. I get it. You two work together, like a couple." Fisher grinned.

"No. She's a colleague." Clint shook his head.

"So why did you act like an assistant?" Fisher asked me.

"We're S.H.I.E.L.D. Shadows." Clint replied.

"Agent Romanoff. Arrest him and take him to the police car outside." Fury ordered through the earpiece I had.

"Yes sir." I nodded and walked over to Fisher. I held his arm as I led him outside. There was a policeman leaning against the cop car. Fisher elbowed me in my stomach. It hurt, but I grabbed the collar of his shirt before he could run and slammed him against the car. He tried to get away but I shoved him in the car and slammed the door. Clint was waiting for me by his car. Fury was with him.

"You did good, Agent." He praised.

"Thanks." I nodded my head once. He did the same and left. I got into the back seat. I put a change of clothes in the back this morning. Clint got in the driver's side and started driving. I changed into jeans and a black v-neck. I slipped my pistol in my boot and put my S.H.I.E.L.D. badge in my butt pocket. I climbed into the front seat.

"Wanna go out to eat?" Clint asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

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