Deadly, horrible, and heartless

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I carried my S.H.I.E.L.D. folder with me and the iPad. We went to the meeting room again. I sat next to Clint.

"Did you get anything?" Fury asked.

"Yeah. I was given this to keep track of their budgets and what they sell. I wrote it all down. The company app only works on company grounds. But I wrote everything down." I handed Fury the sheet. "It's in Russian so no one can read it unless they know Russian." I took the paper and copied it in English, handing it back to Fury. "I work from seven to five. Clint works from eleven to three."

"She shows potential." Fury looked at Clint, then back at me. "I want more of this." He said before getting up and walking away. Coulson followed behind him.

"Good job." Clint patted my shoulder as we walked out to his car. We drove back to the hotel. I changed into a tank top and jogging shorts and walked out to the living room, taking a seat next to Clint.

"God. I am tired." I put my head on his shoulder.

"You barely did shit!" He laughed.

"I'm still tired." I giggled. I leaned up and kissed him.

"When do you have off?" He asked.

"Umm. Thursdays and Saturdays." I replied.

"I have Saturdays and Wednesdays." He frowned. "We'll go to a place I know you'll love on Saturday."

"Okay." I giggled.

"Distract Fisher so I can go through his desk tomorrow." Clint said.

"I will." I walked with my hand in his to our room. I pulled my body close to his. "Night Bird Boy."

"Night Spidey." He murmured in my ear. The damn alarm clock I set woke me up at 5:30a.m. I turned it off and it fell off the stand. Clint had his muscular arm over me. His knees bent with mine. Our bodies fit like puzzle pieces. I slipped out of his arms and walked to the shower. Afterwards, I put on a black, short sleeve dress that came up to my mid thigh. It was low in the front, showing off my boobs. I pinned the front of my hair back and put on makeup. I slipped my heels on and kissed Clint's cheek before carrying my iPad, phone, and folders out to my car. By the time I arrived at the building, it was 6:45. Good timing. I walked straight to the elevator and went up to my desk. I put my stuff down and plopped down in my chair. I'm kind of a neat freak when it comes to work areas so I arranged everything neatly. I took off my heels and put my feet on the edge of the desk. I went to the google app. I typed in pictures of Black Widow, wondering if they had any of me. They only showed the spiders. I typed in 'Black Widow Russian spy' and pressed go. It said 'there are no pictures relating to that search'. Good. I erased my history. Mike walked in.

"Morning." He handed me a laptop. "That one's all your's too. You can email anyone."

"Thank you." I smiled and took it from him. He walked to his desk and started doing work. I opened the laptop. I put a password on it as well to keep nosy people out. I remembered seeing a paper in my folder Fury gave me.... It was for contacting S.H.I.E.L.D. and their site. I dug through my folder and pulled it out. I went to the Internet icon and typed ''. I typed in the password three times and my user name, Natasha_Romanoff/Black_Widow, and the logo for S.H.I.E.L.D. popped up. The home screen looked complicated. I pressed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"Natalie? Can I get you to help me with a few papers?" Mike walked to my desk.

"Sure." I minimized the tab before he could see. I smiled and took the papers from him. He winked and walked back to his desk. There were about seven papers filled with math shit that he wanted me to do. I did them in about ten minutes. I walked over to his desk. "Here you go." I smiled.

"Thank you very much." He smiled and took the papers from me. I walked back to my desk and went back to searching. I switched from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s website to Mike's company website. I went through the firewall. It was very easy. I looked at the list of people they sold to. Russia was one of them. I knew it. I copied the list and pasted it on a document. I saved the document to a file and shut the computer screen.

"Do you mind if I make a quick call?" I asked Mike.

"Not at all." He shook his head.

"Thank you." I smiled and took out my phone. I dialed Clint'a number.

"Hey Nat." He answered.

"Hey. I have a paper here that must've been mixed in with your's last night. It has what you you needed on it." I said.

"Is Russia one of the countries?" Clint asked, his voice was low.

"Maybe." I giggled. I only did it so Mike wouldn't suspect. Mike was watching me the whole time. "I'll see you tonight."

"Bye. Love you." I could hear the smile through the phone.

"I love you too." I giggled and hung up. I looked over at Mike. "That was my boyfriend." He nodded with a fake smile. "So where are you originally from?"

"Um. Richmond area." He replied.

"Ohh. I've been to Richmond." I actually have been. I've been to a few states, a bunch of South American countries, and a bunch of European, Indian and Asian countries. Clint came in after a while. "Mike? Can you help me with something?" I asked.

"Sure. What do ya need?" He asked.

"I don't now where the meeting room is. Can you show me?" I made my voice seductive.

"Yeah. Follow me." He smiled. We went to the elevator and rode it down one floor. "Here is the meeting room."

"Thank you." I smiled. He had his back to the doors while we rode the elevator again. The doors opened and Clint was still in Mike's desk. Mike walked backwards as we got out of the elevator. I stopped him, putting my hands on his shoulders. I fluttered my eyelashes at him. Ugh.

"You have very pretty eyes." He held my gaze. He told me the same thing yesterday.

"Thank you. I've been told by many." I smiled. Ugh. Clint made it back to his desk and opened up a magazine book. I walked back to my desk and put my feet on the edge of the desk. I put the laptop in my lap and messed around with it. Mike cut the tv on.

"The gang that has been terrorizing Budapest has been killed. Locals say a red headed female and dirty blonde male were the ones to take them out. We will have further new on this later." A female reporter was on the screen.

"Wow. How could two people take out thirty guys?!" Mike asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. My eyes met with Clint's for a second. Maybe that'll clear my name. "I did some research for a report a while ago on the infamous Black Widow. I couldn't find pictures on her, but I was wondering, when you hear her name, what do you immediately think about?" I asked.

"A deadly, horrible, heartless, cold woman." Mike shivered. Yep. That's what I thought. I stared blankly at the ground. I felt Clint's eyes on me.

"Me too." I agreed. When I heard my own nickname, the same thing ran through my head. Time flew by and soon Clint left. Then after a couple hours, I left. I took my heels off before walking into the hotel. I carried the laptop, iPad, and my folders with my heels in my hands.

"Ma'am-" The same man that had told me I had to wear shoes in the lobby came up to me.

"I suggest you leave me alone." I wasn't in the best of moods. The whole day I'd been thinking about how Mike said Black Widow was a cold, heartless woman. The man just looked at me. I went on up to the room and sat my stuff on the bed, closing my eyes. I laid down on my back.

Hey!!! Thank you guys so much!! It means a lot to me! Tell me how you liked of didn't like it! I don't care.

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