Time to Play

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He was quiet. I could barely hear his footsteps, but I did hear the heavy steps behind me. They had been following us for a few minutes. Coincidence? I think not. "Time to play, Lewis." I sighed. I pulled the knife out from under my skirt.

"Wha-" He immediately stopped when I pushed the man following us against the wall. I held the knife to his throat.

"Why are you following us?" I hissed in his ear. I felt a gun be pointed to my temple. Shit.

"I got eyes on you, ma'am." Lewis was farther away. Probably down the street.

"What's the location?" I asked.

"Shut up lady!" A man yelled in French.

"There's three of them, one to your left, straight behind you, and one to your right. The one holding the gun is by the one you're holding the knife to." Lewis replied. "Do you want me to call Barton?"

"No." I took a deep breath.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" The man with the gun yelled.

"You." I kicked my foot back to hit the guy to my left. I had launched the knife in the man I had against the wall's chest. I pulled out the pocket knife and stabbed the other two guys. I hit the guy knocked down in the head with a loose brick. I took out my pistol and held it to the guy with a gun. It all happened so fast, he didn't know what to do. I shot him once in the face. I took out both of knives, wiped the blood on the shirts, and walked down the street like nothing happened. Lewis was around the corner. "Come on." I put my weapons back and put my hands in my hoodie. Lewis watched me carefully. Just as many thugs or wanna be thugs in France as in America. I lied America has more thugs. I turned the corner first. A man held a gun to us. I bashed his head into the wall. He fell to the ground, knocked the fuck out. I took the amo out of his gun and threw the gun back on him. I put the amo in a dumpster and kept walking.

"Damn." Lewis chuckled.

"Don't mess with Black Widow." I smiled proudly.

"Black Widow?" A few people around me said that in French. A few guys started walking towards us.

"Damn. Not your smartest move, Natasha." I muttered. The guys followed us into an ally. I purposefully went there. "Stay behind me, Lewis." I ordered. He nodded and took a step behind me. I pulled out my pistol. There were five guys total.

"Are you Black Widow?" One asked. I put a bullet between his eyes. The others didn't have guns, they had muscles.

"Don't use it, Lewis." I handed him my pistol. "Which one wants me first?" I kept my eyes on all of them. A man walked towards me. He was a pretty big guy. Shit. He took the first move. He punched for my nose. I ducked and kicked off the close alley walls, landing on his shoulders. I twisted my body around, causing him to loose balance and fall to the ground. I landed in a crouching position. The other guys looked petty easy. I took my pistol from Lewis. "Have fun." I pushed him towards the guys. He did good with the first two. Then they started ganging up on him. I went in and kicked my leg out to hit the back of one of the men's knees. I slammed his head into the wall. I straightened my hoodie and put my pistol back. "Come on, Lewis. We've had enough play time for today." I led the way back to the apartment. Clint and Mays came back to the apartment at the same we did.

"How was your day?" Clint asked. I sat on a barstool.

"Well. Let's see. We almost got jumped by a few different groups of guys. She killed about three or four and knocked out a good dozen and a half." Lewis chuckled.

"Good job." Clint winked.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Nothing." He sighed. "You guys got the best part of town." I took out my knife and wiped it off.

"How good are you with that thing?" Mays asked. I threw the knife at him. It punctured the wall, centimeters from his head. "God damn." He was breathing heavily. I took the knife out of the wall and put it in my room. I sat on one of the barstools by Clint. "Where hell did you learn to us a knife like that?"

"Personal place. Don't talk about it." I muttered. "What was the purpose of coming here?"

"Drugees." Clint replied. His phone rang. It was a message from Fury. "And we have the location of the action." He walked to his room and came back out with his bow. "How much training did you two have before you came here?"

"Not much. That's what you guys are supposed to do." Mays shook his head.

"Of course." Clint sighed.

"And Fury gives them to us for a fucking drug mission." I walked to my room. I put on my skinny tight suit and put my pistols on my hips. I put my knife in the carrier on my thigh and went back out to the living room.

"You guys stay back unless we say to come in and help." Clint ordered. We drove a car to an abandoned warehouse on the outside of town. "Lewis? Aren't you a sniper?"

"Yeah." Lewis nodded.

"Go up on the roof over there and keep your eyes opened. Mays? Stay with Lewis. Don't shoot unless we say." I ordered as we all got out of the car. Clint walked beside me. We silently moved up the flights of stairs. Clint shot the minor guards that hung out on the different floors. "Lewis? How many are up there?" I asked.

"About fifteen." He answered through the earpiece. "About half have guns."

"Do you want us coming in to help you guys?" Mays asked.

"Negative." I shook my head. I brushed my hair back with my hand. "Ready, Clint?" He nodded. He gently squeezed my hand before turning the corner. He shot a man then turned to us the wall as a cover. I slid across the doorway, shooting three men, and stood up on the other side. I shot the ones with weapons, with the help of Clint. After we took out the higher level of thugs, I walked in. I handed Clint my pistol. I walked into the room. There was about four left. One of the guys tried to punch my face. I grabbed his fist and twisted his arm. I kicked both of his feet out from under him. I put my hand on his face and forced it even harder down on to the floor. He was out like a light. "Anyone else?" I asked.

"Get her." One of them said in French. I took out my knife and threw it at him. It pierced his heart. While they were still watching their friend die, I used that time as and advantage. I pushed off the wall and landed on one of the man's shoulders. I grabbed the other man's head and made them head butt each other. That caught them off guard. I was now, somehow, on my back on the floor. I kicked the man's foot out from under him him and did the same with the other guy. I took out my pistol and shot both of them. I laid back on the floor and looked at Clint.

"I'm tired." I laughed.

"Come on." He held his hand out for me. I took it and stood up by him. Someone shot towards me and Clint. I pulled him behind the wall.

"What the hell was that, Lewis?!" I asked.

"That wasn't either of us. It was someone else." Lewis replied.

"Do you know who?" Clint asked.

"Yeah. There's a group of men...... around the bottom of the building....... Holy shit! You guys have to get out of there! They 're starting a fire!" Mays whispered loudly.

"Stay up there." I ordered them. I walked over to the window and looked out and around it. There was only three stories. Clint was suddenly beside me. He shot an arrow to the roof across from us.

"Hold on." He put an arm around me and we jumped out of the window. We crashed trough a glass window. I flipped my hair out of my face and stood up.

"You okay, Clint?" I asked, helping him up.

"Yeah. We just kind of broke through a glass window." He panted.

"I'm going down there. You stay up here and try to shoot as many of them as you can with the exception of me." I hugged him before going back to the window. We were down a level. I jumped out of the window and landed in a crouching position. The group of guys walked towards me. Clint picked a few out with arrows. One of the guys lunged for me. I stepped aside and tripped him. Before he turned around, I kicked him into the blazing fire. The rest of the guys were dead already. Clint jumped down and landed beside me.

"Come down here, Lewis." Clint ordered. We drove back into town and went to the apartment. I

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