Michael Fisher

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"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Fury wants me to go on a mission with you since I'm the one who's basically in charge of dealing with the 'Natasha Romaomoff/Black Widow' ordeal. We're going back to the base, then flying to California." He explained.

"Oh great." I sighed. We pulled into the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in about thirty minutes. I followed Clint to the same room we were in yesterday. I had changed into skinny jeans in the back of Clint's car. I still wore the baggy gray t-shirt that hung over my wounded shoulder. I sat next to Clint, across from Fury, Coulson, and Hill.

"Here. It has everything you need." Fury slid two folders over. Clint took one and handed me the other. I opened it. There was a picture of me, my name, birthday, gender, and all that stuff. There were three I.D. badges at the bottom.

"What are these?" I asked, lifting up the I.D.'s.

"Your undercover I.D., your S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D., and your American I.D.. Before you guys leave, I'm going to ask you some questions. Why did you turn on your country?" Fury asked. It took me a while to answer.

"I was tired with their shit. They are ruthless. I only went back to them because I didn't have anyone." I sat back and crossed my arms.

"Why have you decided to trust Agent Barton?" His question stopped me. I didn't know the answer to that. "Romanoff?"

"I'm not sure. I just did. He helped me when he could have just killed me while I was injured. He didn't." I replied.

"Okay. I'll have questions for you later." He motioned for us to leave. I followed Clint out to a jet. We sat down and I looked over my papers. My undercover name was Natalie Rushman. I like that. It kind went along with Natasha Romanoff, Natalie Rushman.

"Oh that's nice." I laughed. Clint took the papers from me and read them.

"I like that. Natalie Rushman. I can still call you Nat." He winked and I laughed. I followed Clint to a car and we drove to a hotel. Apparently we already had a room because he went straight through to the elevator. I carried my bag. We went up to the top level and all the way down the hall. Clint swipe a card to open the door. I walked in. There was a giant flat screen tv on one wall. Windows cover the window parallel to the door. A couch in the shape of an 'L' was in front of the tv. I sat my bag on the couch. I walk through the living room and into the kitchen. There was an island in the middle. The counter tops were made of marble. I walked down a hallway to the bedroom. In one, the bed was king sized. There was a flat screen tv across from the bed. The other bedroom was the same. Clint was laying on one of the beds. I laid down on my belly with the papers in my hand. He turned over and lay on his belly too.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked. Clint pulled out a piece of paper with a man's picture. He had black spiked hair and bright blue eyes.

"His name's Michael Fisher. He's a rich guy who we think is selling illegal shit and weapons under the table with a couple of America's not so nice friend countries. You are a new assistant of his. I'm a guard. We first have to see what they're doing, then we'll make a our move. We start today. You start work in," Clint looked at his phone. "Twenty minutes. Here's everything you need. I'll be here." He grinned and laid back.

"Great." I rolled my eyes. I got into the shower and shaved my legs. I put a towel around my body and walked of into the bedroom. I rummaged through my bag and found a pair of dress pants and a white button up t-shirt. I wore a black bra under it. I knew men like him were interested in their assistants only for their looks. I left the top couple buttons open, tucking the shirt in, and did my makeup and hair. I sat on the edge of the bed, putting on my heels.

"You have a car outside." Clint walked back into the room. I walked out to the living room and grabbed my folders. "I love you." Clint kissed me. "Take this. If you need me, my number's in there and so is Fury's and Coulson's." He handed me a touch screen phone.

"Thank you. I love you. I'll be back, I hope." I laughed and walked out the door. I went down to my car and drove to the address. I stayed in my car for a couple minutes. "I'm Natalie Rushman. I'm from Brooklyn, New York." I chanted to myself. I took a deep breathe and got out. I walked into the building and to the lady at the front desk. "I am Natalie Rushman. I'm Mr. Fisher's new assistant." I told her. She was a skinny, old woman with bony fingers. Her name tag read 'Susan'.

"Mr. Fisher will be with you momentarily." She motioned for me to sit in the chairs. I nodded with a smile and walked over to one of the chairs. I crossed my legs and looked through my folder. My phone was in my back pocket of my pants.

"Ms. Rushman?" Michael Fisher walked towards me.

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