Stark Tower

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I walked onto the jet.

"Hey! Spidey and Capsicle's here!" Stark laughed. Everyone was sitting at the giant table. Thor was the only one missing.

"Hey, Stark." I slid into a seat by Clint.

"What the hell did you do to your arm already, Nat?" Clint looked at my shoulder.

"Its nothing. The bullet just grazed." I shrugged. "We didn't even get to the fun part, Cap."

"Yeah." Steve laughed as he walked to the cockpit.

"So does any body know why Fury had us all meet like this?" Banner asked.

"Nope." Clint sighed.

"Notta clue." Stark shook his head.

"Thor's coming in." Steve opened the door to let the giant god in before shutting it.

"Hey, Thor." I waved.

"Greetings." Thor nodded and sat on the other side of me. Everyone got quiet.

"Damn. Last time we were like this, we almost died." I laughed.

"Yep. Not even two weeks ago." Stark shuddered from the memory.

"So did you repair the Tower yet?" Clint asked.

"Yeah. It's all done." Stark nodded. Maria came out of the cockpit. "Hey agent? Why does Fury need us?"

"He wants you all to learn to work together. You all are staying at the Stark Tower." Maria replied.

"Why the hell do we have to learn to work as a team?" Banner asked.

"Remember when we all were all in the lab? Yeah? And we started fighting? I think that may be why." I sighed.

"And that resulted in two of the engines on the helicarrier being destroyed." Steve nodded.

"Damn. I have to live with you people." I looked at all of them. They laughed.

"By the way, when the city is done fixing itself up in a few days, there's kind of going to be a showing of the Avengers, seems how no one has ever heard of you guys before New York." Maria added before going back to the cockpit. I leaned against Clint's shoulder.

"So, Birdy? You and Nat gettin' busy?" Stark grinned.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Oh come on! No assassin babies??"

"I hope you know you're in an enclosed area with two master assassins who could kill you in two seconds, Stark." Banner chuckled.

"Watch what you say." Steve added.

When we reached Stark Tower, I laid across one of the three couches. Clint sat under my feet and everyone else sat around the room. Fury walked in a moment later.

"As you all know, New York is doing well with cleaning up the city. In two days, the world gets to meet the Avengers when you aren't fighting aliens. But you all need to learn to work together. Mainly Stark, Barton, and Romanoff. Stark you don't work with anyone, and Barton and Romanoff only work good together. You need to work on that. Every day, each of you will practice for three hours. I will watch once in a while. Dr. Banner and Thor? You both are acceptations to the training drills, however, you do need to stay anyways. You all will learn to work together before the next mission, Agent Barton and Romanoff. That also counts for you, Captain." Fury explained. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Steve, Clint, and I said at the same time.

"Good." Fury nodded before leaving.

"You all have your own rooms." Pepper walked into the room. "Your names are on them. If you have any questions, ask JARVIS."

"Hey, Pepper." I smiled.

"Hey, Natasha." She nodded with a smile before started an argument with Stark.

"Come on. I'm tired." I took Clint's hand and walked down the hallway until I found our room. I put my bag on the bed and started taking off my catsuit. I walked to the bathroom connected to our room in my bra and underwear. I sat on the counter and looked at the graze mark. It was sore, but nothing broke the skin. Clint wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed my good shoulder.

"Come on, baby." He kissed right below my ear before picking me up and carrying me to the bed. I turned my back to him and pressed my body to his. Clint put a hand on my pelvic bone and held my close, with his chin in the crook of my neck.

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