My Apartment

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Clint and I made it to his house around noon. We hadn't talked since he asked me about the candles yesterday. I got a shower, put on black jogging shorts and a tank top. I brushed out my red hair and went to the bedroom. Clint was shirtless, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Let's have a little talk, Nat." He patted the space next to him. I sat, facing him, with one leg under me. "What made you want to leave?"

"Clint. Before I met you, and I am not blaming you, but ever since I met you, I've gotten hurt more than I ever have. I'm loosing my touch. I could've knocked both of those guys out but I'm loosing me."I started to cry. "And now I'm all emotional and girly. I'm too used to you helping me and giving me shit. I don't want to be like that." He pulled me into his lap. I put my head on his shoulder. I'm loosing it. I'm loosing me. I cried for probably the third time in my life. Oh god. I hate crying so damn much. I stopped my ridiculous crying and looked up at Clint.

"I'm going with you." He said.

"No you can't." I shook my head.

"And why not?" He asked.

"Because Fury will question why you're leaving the same time as me and that'll get you in a shit loud of trouble." I replied.

"You're right. I'll see if we can get a mission somewhere in the middle of now where." He chuckled. "These are your's." He pulled out a set of keys. "They go to your apartment and car."

"Why do I have these?" I asked and took them from him.

"Fury 'trusts' you." He chuckled.

"That's a damn bold face lie." I laughed. "He doesn't trust me." Clint chuckled. "If we don't have a mission in the next two days, I'm leaving, Clint."

"Where would you go?" He asked.

"A few places. I know a few people who'd get me back towards Russia."

"I thought you didn't want to go to Russia any more."

"I don't. I'm staying around their borders. If they do catch me, they'll take me in again and just send me out to another mission of theirs. I'll stay around Ukraine, Estonia, possibly Hungary." I shrugged.

"I'll get us a mission somewhere." Clint chuckled.

Clint helped me move my shit into my apartment. I only had a few bags but he wanted to have sex too so he came over. I was alone now so I decided to put my stuff away. I put my weapons in the extra room. A pistol was kept in a drawer and a knife in t as well. I put on boy cut underwear and a tank top. I put candles in the extra room. They were scattered through out the room. I turned the lights down and sat crisscross in the floor. Clint's house was a few minutes down the road; five to drive, seven or eight to sprint, and ten to twelve minutes to walk. He said no one should be coming by. If Fury or any other agent were going to come by, they'd call. I wasn't allowed to answer the door otherwise. I put my hands on my knees and took deep breathes, slowly exhaling. I could tell I was putting on weight from not being as active as I used to be. After about twenty minutes of meditating, I put out the candles and put them up. I pulled out a target thing that Clint gave me. I put it up against the wall and took out my knives. I practiced throwing them. I had eleven total; only five made the target. Son of a bitch. Each time I threw a knife, if would be harder and go straight through the board. Damn. I spent a good two hours on the knives before putting them down. I went to bed. I watched tv for a while but couldn't sleep. I was too used to Clint being with me.

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