5 - They're Demons

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✧Previously on Chapter Four✧

* Minor violence
* Mentions of blood and feeling faint

The cool autumn breeze blew swiftly through the window, casting a cool air in the room and sending a deep shiver down Harry's body. He was chilly, but he felt relaxed and calm, he also felt like there was a warm blanket encompassing his body to contradict the cool air he felt aerating the room. Honestly, it was perfect. Harry loved this season for that exact reason.

He loved when the temperature dropped a little bit to where it wasn't hot, but it also wasn't exactly cold. The air would be chilly and crispy enough to leave goose bumps on Harry's arm, but he always warmed it up with a soft blanket or from sitting by the fire. On top of the cooler air, Harry loved the way the trees changed colors. Since Colchester was surrounded by woods, all the green leaves that he saw everyday started to change into red and orange leaves, the complete fall package.

And with this drop in temperatures starting, Harry couldn't help but think about the warmth Louis would share with him. Louis was constantly a warm body that always radiated his heat on to Harry, so Harry knew this was major cuddle season for the both of them. He could almost picture it so perfectly. He could see himself in Louis' arms nearly every night keeping him warm. He could see the two of them sipping hot chocolate by the window or playing scrabble by the fire.

Harry could picture all of these things so vividly, and that was when Harry realized he wasn't controlling his own mind.

"Caught," Louis giggled, brightly looking down at Harry who was resting his head on his belly, slowly opening his eyes to look back up at Louis with a soft smile.

"I like when you control my dreams," Harry confessed under his breath, turning on to his side so he could get more comfortable against Louis' body. He nuzzled his nose into Louis' tummy and gripped the end of Louis' shirt in his hand, letting out a soft hum when Louis' hands tangled in his hair.

"You do?" Louis asked curiously, idly brushing through Harry's curls. "How come?"

"Because they are always of the two of us," Harry admitted, nearly slurring the words as he closed his eyes again. Louis watched him with a fond smile and leaned down to press a warm kiss to his forehead, hearing Harry let out a small sigh before he was snuggling some more into Louis' body. "What time is it?" Harry managed to ask a little more clearly.

"Quarter to eight," Louis mumbled lazily, except, that was when Harry's eyes shot open and he frantically sat up in the bed, looking back at Louis as if he didn't hear him right. "What?" Louis questioned, raising his eyebrow when Harry let out a loud scoff.

Louis cocked his head back at the reaction and watched as Harry scrambled off the bed. He quickly ran into the wash room and began brushing his teeth while simultaneously trying to tame his curls. That was when Louis decided to join Harry as well and walked over to the bathroom counter Harry was at. Louis watched Harry through the reflection of the mirror when he spit the toothpaste out before he was splashing water on his face.

Harry was moving quickly from one thing to another in order to get ready as fast as he could. He quickly applied deodorant and attempted to spread lotion on his arms, but when he was going to squeeze some of it out onto his hands, that was when Louis reached over and squeezed the bottle harshly. "Louis!" Harry cried out when a huge wad of lotion spilt on to his hand as he turned over to look at Louis with a frown.

Book 1: Into the Woods | Larry Stylinson ❀ [Werewolf AU]Where stories live. Discover now