13 - A Virgin

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✧Previously on Chapter Eleven✧

Author's Note: So I like to remind my lovely readers that Harry is still young and brand new to the werewolf world. Some of the decisions he makes really reflects all this, so make sure you guys keep that in mind. Harry doesn't know what to do half the time, and whenever he makes decisions, he does it thinking he will help. Now, it may make things worse or not help at all, but in his mind, he thinks he's doing what's best. Harry is a growing character throughout this series, and as he becomes more familiar with the werewolf world, the more he matures. But remember, seventeen year olds are still just children, so his decisions and his actions really reflect how young his character truly is.

Louis wedged his hands underneath Harry's body so he was able to lift him up bridal style. He could sense that this place was truly about to explode from the gas leakage in the kitchen and the growing fire, so he knew that he needed to get the two of them out of there as quickly as possible. Once Louis got Harry in his arms, he trudged his way out the shop. His body was still healing from the initial explosion, and the smoke and debris in the air were suffocating his lungs, so it was a challenge before he could finally step out into the fresh air outside.

Louis began coughing loudly and kicking all the chairs he could to get out of his way. There were people starting to gather around the burning building and the frail sound of fire sirens making sound off in the distance. Louis tried to ignore all those distracting things in favor of focusing on the open patch of grass across the street that he was aiming to take the two of them to. He used his last bit of strength to finally run them out of the building right before it actually completely bursted into flames. Once Louis was out of the bakery, there was no longer any diffusers to limit his wolf side, so his healing rapidly increased. He was then able to use his speed to flash the two of them over to the patch of grass and use that final explosion as a push to get their bodies falling to the ground. Louis let out a groan as he laid on his back, having Harry's limp body laying completely heavy across his chest.

Louis leaned up on his elbows and watched as the building started to cave in on itself and disintegrate into the ground. He let out a choked sob when the weight of what just happened finally settled in on him. He knew there was something out there was making the alpha inside him on full alert while he was sitting at the table with Harry, but with his guard down, he lost his focus - and that lost costed him more than he could handle. His family bakery was gone, and although it was something that could be rebuilt, his cousin was something that couldn't. Louis knew there was loss when it came to being an alpha, but the one thing he was never prepared for was losing an actual family member that didn't want to be a part of the fight.

Louis gently laid Harry on his back so he could stand on his feet. He faced the building that was still being engulfed in the fire and closed his eyes to calm his body down, but that was when all the rage Louis had building up in his system finally reached its surface. There was this new course of anger that was running through his system that made the hairs on his arm stand up. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins and signaling his alpha to make an appearance, so when Louis finally opened his eyes to attest the damage out in front of him, his eyes weren't even blue, they were red - alpha red.

It took Louis to cast a quick glance down at Harry's body for him to finally go back to normal. He knew this fury he felt wouldn't do him any good if there was no one for him to put that on. It wasn't like Louis could go after Nick right this second when Harry's heart was barely beating, so that alone was enough to turn Louis' rage into worry, and he put all that energy into Harry to make sure that he healed and recovered from this properly.

Book 1: Into the Woods | Larry Stylinson ❀ [Werewolf AU]Where stories live. Discover now