10 - Alpha

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  ✧Previously on Chapter Nine✧

It had been a week of Ed and Niall staying with Harry, and they were finally heading back to the cabin. Harry followed behind the two of them with a frown on his face as Niall and Ed paused at the front door to look at Anne.

"Thank you so much for having us," Ed said happily.

"Yes, it was nice meeting you," Niall quipped afterwards.

"Of course, of course," Anne reassured with a smile, opening the front door and walking outside with them. "You boys are welcomed over anytime."

Harry lifted his eyebrow and watched Anne give each boy a hug before she turned around and walked back into the house. She disappeared somewhere in the kitchen to leave Harry alone with the other two boys. Harry walked outside and closed the door behind him so his mother wouldn't have any way of hearing their conversation. Once they were officially alone, Harry crossed his arms over his chest and looked expectedly between Ed and Niall, noticing how they were looking back at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"Why hasn't Louis checked in?" Harry quickly asked, trying to ignore the looks being past between Ed and Niall's expressions. They both refused to answer, apparently finding more interest in the way their shoes looked rather than looking back at Harry. When it was apparent they were going to remain silent, Harry let out a loud huff. "Fine, don't answer me," Harry snapped, turning to open the front door and stomping back inside.

When the door slammed shut behind him, Anne stepped out from the kitchen and looked over at Harry with a frown. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Harry grumbled under his breath, making his attempt to walk up the stairs and avoiding any further questions from his mother.

"Okay," Anne replied warily, frowning as Harry continued to go up the steps. "Whatever you say," she replied under her breath while turning back into the kitchen.

Harry walked into his room and closed the door behind him. He still had a couple of days left of break until his school started back up again, and he really wanted to spend that last bit of freedom with Louis by his side, but he hadn't heard from him since the attack. It was strange because normally Harry would see Louis everyday, but now, he had been completely awol. Harry walked straight to the only window in his room and sat down in the chair he kept right there. He pushed the window up so that he had the cool breeze blowing into his room with a clear view of the woods right in his eyesight.

Harry leaned his head out and frowned. "Louis?" he called out, scanning between every crevice of the trees hoping that Louis would walk out, but he never did. All Harry got was silence - no sign whatsoever that Louis was even out there.

Harry stayed in the seat for a couple of minutes with minimal amount of hope that Louis would appear, but when Harry realized he really wasn't going to show up, Harry let out a loud groan. He pushed the chair back and abruptly stood up to walk into his bathroom. He wanted to freshen up and wash all the stress and worry from his body so he could go to bed with a clear a mind, but once he stepped inside, he noticed a shiny piece of jewelry setting on top of his counter. Harry tilted his head to the side and slowly walked up to the counter. He reached to grab the jewelry and twirled it around his fingers with a small smile. He glanced up at his reflection and stared at the necklace through the mirror. Harry honestly didn't think he would ever see his necklace again, but here it was safe and sound, returned undamaged and back in Harry's possession.

Harry heard a sound out in his room so he quickly set the necklace down and walked back out. He felt himself release a big breath at the sight of Louis sitting on the edge of his bed. Harry took a carefully step forward and heard a small sniffle coming from Louis, and that was when Harry realized Louis had been crying. Harry's eye widen right away and he ran the rest of the way to get closer to Louis. He wedged his way in between Louis' legs and gently caressed the side of his face, tilting his head up so Harry could look into his wet, blue eyes.

Book 1: Into the Woods | Larry Stylinson ❀ [Werewolf AU]Where stories live. Discover now