Confession (Gamtav)

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(They haven't entered the game yet.)

Tavros's P.O.V

Today was finally the day. I was going to tell Gamzee about my flushed feelings for him. I was so nervous. He had hinted at feelings for me but I could never tell if that was just Gamzee being Gamzee or if he actually meant it. It's hard to tell with him sometimes. He's funny, though. And sweet. He really cares about how others feel. He can be a bit oblivious, though. I wheeled myself down my ramp and Tinkerbull came and perched on my wheelchair's back. "hELLO TINKERBULL," I said as I rolled over to my computer. I logged onto Trollian and saw that Gamzee was on. He always was up early. He claims it's because, and I quote, "ThE sUnRiSe Is A mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClE." A lot of things are miracles to him. Just another thing that makes him so adorable. Oh gosh, I really am flushed for him. I start to message Gamzee. "uMMM,,, gAMZEE,,, i HAVE SOMETHING I NEED TO TELL YOU,,," "Oh? WhAt MiGhT tHaT bE TaVbRo?" Gamzee replied. He had been really quick in answering. Had he been waiting for me? The thought made me happy. "iT WOULD BE BETTER IF I TOLD YOU IN PERSON,,, aRE YOU FREE TO COME OVER TO MY HIVE?" Gamzee took a moment before answering. "YeAh TaVbRo. I'lL bE rIgHt OvEr." He then exited the chat. I closed it too and looked around. My hive was relatively clean. I roll around, picking up a few things and putting them away as I go. Tinkerbell was flying around my head excitedly. I smile up at it. Just then, I hear a knock on my door. Gamzee must be here! I roll as fast as I can over and open the door using a special mechanism I had made with help from Equius, who admittedly only helped because Aradia had told him to. "gAMZEE! cOME ON IN!" I say and move out of the way. I've gotten quite good at moving around on this wheelchair. "HeY, tAvBrO. wHaT iS iT tHaT yOu WaNtEd Me To CoMe OvEr FoR?" Gamzee said as he closed them door behind himself. He knew I still had trouble closing the door. He was so considerate. "uMMM,,, wELL,,, w-WHY DON'T YOU SIT DOWN FIRST!" I exclaim nervously. I'm sweating too. All of a sudden, I'm not so sure about this. Gamzee looked confused for a split second before his lazy grin returned and he shrugged. "WhAtEvEr YoU sAy, TaVbRo." I still have a couch for my friends and it is good to sit in something besides my wheelchair every once and I while. He sits down and with little trouble, I transfer as well. I've had plenty of practice with this. uMMM,,, tHE THING I WANTED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT,,, wELL,,, pLEASE DON'T HATE ME BUT,,, i HAVE FLUSHED FEELINGS FOR YOU,,," Gamzee's eyes widen in shock. I think it's the only time I've seen something shock him. I close my eyes, trying to hold back tears that come anyway. I should've known. Why would someone like Gamzee like a troll like me? I can't do anything helpful. I give in too easily. It's a miracle I haven't been culled for my legs. And it top it all off, I can't even muster a little self-confidence. Tears start overflowing out of my closed eyes. I feel something brush one anyway. I open my eyes and look at Gamzee. His goofy grin is back and his eyes look right at me. "DoN't CrY tAvBrO. i HaTe SeEiNg YoU cRy. BeSiDeS, i'M fLuShEd FoR yOu." He says in the sweetest, quietest voice I have heard a troll ever use. It's my turn to be shocked at this. Quickly, though, my brain decides it doesn't care why he was flushed for me. It, and I, are just happy that he was. I grin the widest I ever had and hug him tight. He hugs me back and I can smell the Faygo and pie off of him but it smells great because it smells like him. We sit like that for a while until there is a knock on my door. Gamzee picks me up and drops me gently back in my wheelchair before pushing me over to the door. I once again opened the door and on the other side was Vriska. My smile fades. What is she doing here? "wHAT IS IT VRISKA?" I ask, trying to stay patient. "Just came to check on my favorite cripple." I can see Gamzee's goofy smile twitch at her comment. "vRISKA, iF YOU DON'T MIND, mE AND GAMZEE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING." For some reason, just being around Gamzee makes me feel more confident. Especially after the recent development. "Oh? What might you be doing in here? Nothing too low blooded I hope." I swear I can hear Gamzee let out a low growl as his smile disappears. He's never liked the hemospectrum system. "aCTUALLY VRISKA, mE AND GAMZEE ARE MATESPRITS NOW, pLEASE, lEAVE." Vriska looks shocked. Probably about both my sudden confidence boost and the fact that Gamzee and I were together. Then, she thinks for a moment a smirks. "I should've guessed. Well, good luck with that!" Vriska then starts walking off. Probably going to tell Equius about this. I push the door and it closes. I then start wheeling back to the other room, my face a frown. Gamzee follows me, his face frowning as well. If I didn't know better I would have said he was angry at Vriska! That was impossible, though. Gamzee never got mad. I transfer back to the couch again and sigh as I lean back. Gamzee sits down next to me and pulls me in. I nuzzle against his chest, careful not to hit him with my horns. I slowly start to drift off in his arms. Today had been a day full of nervousness, confidence, and happiness. I was exhausted. Last thing I remember before going to sleep was Gamzee kissing my head, laying his head on top of mine, and saying, "GoOdNiGhT tAvBrO."

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