My little drama queen

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Eridan's P.O.V

I was sitting in my hive just sorta thinking. I thought about how it always seemed I was the one to contact a friend rather than them ever contacting me. That gave me an idea for an experiment. From now on, I wouldn't contact others. They would have to contact me first. It seemed like a good idea. Boy was I wrong. It was several months. I only really talked to Fef and even then it was mostly to feed her lusus so we wouldn't all die to the vast glub. Now, I sat there trying not to cry as I waited for someone, anyone to contact me. I would even take Sollux at this point! Suddenly, I get a message from Fef. "Glub! H-ey -Eridan!" I gather myself and try my best to sound composed as I answer. "Wwhat's up Fef?" "I just want-ed to talk to my moirail! I'v-e notic-ed our r-elationship has b-e-en much b-ett-er lat-ely! You hav-en't b-e-en so clingy! Hon-estly that was glubbing annoying!" Of course she was happier without me bugging her all the time. Seemed like everyone was. I swallowed and continued to fight back tears as I responded. "Wwhale, I've been busy lately..." "Oh! Sorry, did I interrupt som-ething? I'll l-eav-e you to it! By-e!" Before I could stop her, she logged out. Dammit... Why was I so stupid... My tears were blurring my vision badly. I needed to talk to someone. Maybe Karkat would listen. He always seemed to tolerate me more than the others did. The tears streaming down my face made it hard to see as I clicked on what I assumed to be Kar's account. I sent him a message.

Sollux's P.O.V

I was working on a code at my computer when it dinged. Someone had messaged me through Trollian. I logged on and saw it was Ed. I hadn't talked to him in a long time. Wonder what he wanted. "Hey, Kar?" What? Did he think he had messaged Kk? "Can I talk to you?" I didn't answer. I was curious and I didn't want him to know he wasn't talking to Kk. "You must be busy... Either that or you hate me like evveryone else." What? Why would he think we all hated him? He was a douche but he was still our friend! "Wwell, I need to get this off my chest so I'll talk to no one here for a wwhile. I can't take this anymore! This loneliness... Nobody has tried to talk to me for twwo months! I just wwanted someone to talk to... Someone wwho wwasn't only there because I contacted them! Fef thought all my problems are silly... I don't even think she wwants to be my morail..." He continued to spill his heart out, thinking I was Kk. I just sat there. I didn't know what to do. Was he really feeling all this? He must be crying. I know I would be if all of this was in my head. That would explain why he thought he was talking to Kk. There was one final message. "Kar, I need help. I can't be alone like this anymore." I had no idea what to do. I couldn't show him that he had just spilled that much to me. He hated me. I wouldn't even know what to say if I could respond anyway. I just stayed silent.

Eridan's P.O.V

I could barely read my own text through the tears that still clouded my vision and rolled down my checks. Kar wasn't responding. Either he was still busy or, the more likely answer, he hated me too. He probably had only been putting up with me because he felt he had to. He agrees with Fef that my problems were silly... "I'm sorry..." I sent before closing the chat. They all thought I was a burden. Maybe I was. The only constructive thing I did was help Fef feed her lusus and she could really do that on her own. All I ever did was whine. I was a waste of space. For goodness sake, I was a sea dweller who didn't live in the water! I didn't deserve what I had. I didn't deserve any of this...

Sollux's P.O.V

I sat at my computer in utter shock. What had just happened?! Did Ed really feel that bad about himself? But he always acted like such a douche... Fighting with him was common for me and if I did say so a little fun. As I sat, a new voice joined the others in my head. Great, just what I needed, another soon to be dead screaming in my head. Just as I was about to push it to the back of my mind like the others it said something. "Wwhy..." That accent. It was unmissable. Ed? Why was his voice in my head? That could only mean one thing. He was going to die! I shot out of my seat and out of the window, not even caring about the damage left behind. I used my powers to fly out over to where I knew Ed lived. My eyes were sparking and my head was starting to hurt but I kept going. I couldn't let him die. As I went I listened closely to the voice. "I don't deserve this. I don't deserve life..." What?! Was he doing what I think he was?! He couldn't be! I shot faster. I needed to hurry up. The voice was only whimpering now. I finally made it to the house and I used my powers to practically rip the door open. I dropped to the ground and started to run around the house. I heard soft whimpers coming from the bathroom. I ran in and saw Ed sitting in a pool of his own purple blood. I dash over and examine him. There's a knife on the sink with purple blood on it and there's several cuts on his arm. I can tell he's barely conscious as I pick him up. I carry him to the living room with my powers and open all the cabinets at the same time. My head is killing me now but I'm not going to give up. I find the medical supplies and use it to patch up his arms the best I can. I sit back on the couch I had laid him on and rub my temples. His voice is no longer in my head which could mean either two things. He's dead, or, I saved him. He feels cold to the touch so I grab his cape and scarf, which he had taken off, and put them back on. I also grab him a blanket and lay it over him. I look around and find the remote for the TV. I turn it on and flick around a little before settling on something. I wait about an hour, taking nervous glances at Ed often before I hear movement from him. I quickly turn and see that he's waking up. His eyes flutter a bit. "Sol? What are you doing here? Why am I not dead? Or am I dead and this my punishment?" I smile at him. He's surprisingly cute when he's sleepy. Wait, what did I just think? I hated him right? Then, why did I save him? And why did I just call him cute? Was I flushed for him? Did I want a kismesis with him? I was confused now but I hid it. "You're aliive. Those messages to Kk? You sent those to me. I was worriied so II came and saved you. Don't you ever do that agaiin by the way." Ed looked shocked and confused. "I-I sent those to you? Oh boy... I'm sorry you had to read that..." "Don't be sorry. IIf you hadn't, you wouldn't be aliive now." "Maybe that wwould be a good thing." "Don't say that." I was stern with him. I had learned a long time ago that he could be stubborn. "There are people who stiill care for you." I looked away. There was a slight yellow tint to my face. Now that I thought about it. I liked Ed. Not even just as friends. I pitied the guy. He was so often alone. What he told me while he thought I was Kk proved that even more than what I had already known. We actually had more in common than I thought. Ed looked confused at this comment. "Then why doesn't anyone talk to me unless I contact them first?" I laugh. "Because we're trolls! IIt's not natural for us to sociialiize all that much." He seemed to think for a moment before laughing. "You're right. I was being stupid. Thanks for saving me." He started to sit up. He grunted. "Stay layiing down. You're extremely low on blood." He nods and lowers himself. "II'm goiing to go clean the bathroom. Be riight back." I said. He nodded and I went to clean.

Eridan's P.O.V

Sol was right. What had I been thinking! I chuckled at the thought of my faulty plan. I was thirsty and hungry. "Hey, Sol?" I called. "Yeah, Ed?" He responded. "When you're done, could you get me some food and water?" "Sure." I smiled and sighed. He was being surprisingly nice. Fighting with him was fun but it got annoying. Spewing the same insults at each other over and over. To be completely honest with myself, I quite enjoyed Sollux's company. I enjoyed our little arguments. And, just maybe, I'm flushed for Sol. He would never be flushed for me, though. He hated me whole heartedly. And not in the kismesis way either. Just pure platonic hate. I looked up as he walked back over with a glass of water and a sandwich. I quickly drank and ate. He sat down next to me as I did so. I looked at my clock. It was late. "If you wwant to go home you can Sol." "No way. II'm stayiing riight here. Besiides, my head hurts so fucking much already II wouldn't be able to make iit." I nod thoughtfully. "Wwell, seeing as I can't movve for a wwhile, you could use my bed." He smiles. "Thanks, Ed." "No problem Sol." I yawned and cuddled the blanket closer to me. Before long, I was asleep. I woke up the next morning to the smell of something being made. I slowly and carefully sat up. My arms still hurt but it seemed like everything else was fine. I walked to the kitchen and saw Sol cooking something. "Wwater you making Sol?" "Hmm? Oh, just some pancakes." "Ok." I sat down at the table and watched as he cooked. Soon, he was finished and gave me a plate with two pancakes on it with two strawberries on top and a small pile of blueberries. We ate quietly for a little but I couldn't stop thinking about how nice he was being to me. Maybe he didn't hate me after all... I thought some more and decided that I needed to get it off my chest anyway. "Hey, Sol?" "Yeah, Ed?" "I have something I need to confess... I haven't told anyone this. Not even Fef or Kar..." "Oh? What do you need to say?" "Just that... Wwell... I'm... I'm flushed for you, Sol." I muttered. He still heard me. I could tell by the yellow tint to his cheeks. My cheeks were flushed purple. There was silence for a good while. I started to stand. "You can leavve wwhen you wwant. I'll be in my room." I put my dishes in the sink for later and was about to leave when I heard the scraping of Sol pushing his chair out. I didn't stop until I felt his hand on my arm. I tried to pull away but soon found Sol had rooted me to the spot with his powers. Dammit. He walked around so that he was facing me. "II had no iidea... II'm flushed for you two Ed." The tint to his cheeks grew and so did mine. I was in shock. He was flushed for me?! He really was?! "But wwhat about all the times you said you hated me?" "II never hated you. How could II? II was just two scared to tell you. II loved our liittle fights and II diidn't want to ruiin iit." I smiled. "Me too. I lovve you Sol." "And II love you Ed. II love you." 

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