Nightmares and Rambling (davekat) (humanstuck)

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(This one is really short but there is another one coming today. I just got inspiration for this and needed to write it. I hope you all enjoyed anyway!)

Karkat's P.O.V

Dave and I have been dating and sharing this apartment for about a month now. We still sleep in separate rooms. One night, I have a nightmare that has me waking up in a cold sweat. I shoot up and hold a hand to my chest as I take deep, ragged, breaths. I shake my head and lay back down to try and go back to sleep. I toss and turn but I can't seem to get comfortable. I take a deep breath and give in, standing up and walking to Dave's room. I knock on the door and enter to find Dave sitting up with his shades on. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU AWAKE STRIDER." "I could ask you the same thing Karkles." I enter the room, slowly closing the door behind me. "I CAN'T SLEEP." "You having nightmares again?" I nodded. It was common for both of us to get nightmares for reasons even Rose didn't understand. "Come here. I was too. I think we should cuddle them away." He moved over and patted the bed beside him. I smiled at the cheesiness of the cuddling thing but walked over and sat down next to him and pulled the covers over us both. He wrapped his arms around me and I cuddled into his chest. I could feel him place his head on top of mine. "You want to share about your nightmare?" "SURE. IN MY NIGHTMARE, I SAW GAMZEE," "The clown guy?" "YES." I rolled my eyes. "I SAW HIM ATTACK AND KILL NEPETA AND EQUIUS..." "Their the cat girl and the sweaty guy right?" I nodded slowly. Remembering the dream brought back vivid sights. Equius's smile as the string of a broken bow choked him. The snap of Nepeta's wrist in Gamzee's hand. I shook and I felt Dave squeeze me tighter. "It's ok... It's ok... Equius and Nepeta are fine... Gamzee is still on his meds... You're fine..." I cuddled in closer until the sight was pushed back out of my mind. "THANK YOU DAVE. YOUR TURN. WHAT CAUSED YOU TO BE UP?" "Another nightmare of me dying in several different ways. Many swords through the chest, heads rolling of shoulders, burning in lava..." I wrapped my arms around Dave's waist. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY. I'LL NEVER LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU." Dave chuckled. "Thanks Karkles." We sit there in complete silence for a while, just enjoying each others company. Finally Dave spoke. "I don't know why this came to mind but..." He then went on to ramble about things that I couldn't follow. Dave's train of thought could be so confusing sometimes. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I leaned up and shut him up by smashing my lips against his, my arms moving from his waist to his neck. He tensed for a moment before relaxing into my kiss. When we pulled away, he laughed. "Rambling again huh." "FUCK YEAH YOU WERE." Dave laughed and I smiled. "Sorry Karkles. You must be tired." "YEAH." I yawned as if on cue. Dave smirked and held me closer. "Well then. Goodnight Karkles." "GOODNIGHT STRIDER."

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