The Plan (erisol) (humanstuck)

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Third Person P.O.V

"Wwell fuck you then!" Eridan yelled at his boyfriend, Sollux. "2hut up fii2hdiick!" He yelled back before storming off. Eridan growled after him and stomped off himself. Eridan made is way back to his house and went to his bedroom. Sollux meanwhile had done the same. They were pissed at each other which wasn't exactly uncommon. Eridan logged onto Pesterchum and saw his friend Feferi was on. He started a chat with her. "Hey Fef." "O)( )(-ey -Erifis)(!" They began talking and eventually, after a long while, Feferi got the hint that Eridan wasn't exactly happy. "-Erifis)(? Is somefin wrong?" He then explained the fight with Sollux and Feferi sighed, annoyed that the two boys had been fighting again even though it was clear they loved each other and cared about each other a lot. Meanwhile to all this, Sollux had been coding and venting to Aradia, two of his favorite anger relieving activities. Aradia was starting to get frustrated with him and pretended she needed to leave but accidentally left her computer on as she went to talk to Feferi whom she figured Eridan would be venting to. Feferi was also starting to get frustrated with Eridan's stubborn ranting when she got the message from Aradia. She was more than happy to put Eridan on hold as she went to talk to her. "Y-es Aradia?" "Just w0ndering if Eridan is ranting to y0u ab0ut S0llux because that is what he is d0ing t0 me ab0ut Eridan." ")(-e is. It's actually quit-e annoying." "I can agree with that but what d0 we d0?" There was a pause as both girls thought. Then Feferi got an idea. She quickly shared it with Aradia who liked it. It wasn't long before both of them returned to their agitators to set their plan in motion. "S0 y0u want to meet up at the park t0 clear y0ur head?" Sollux was confused by the sudden suggestion from Aradia but he agreed nonetheless.  Meanwhile Feferi asked the same question to Eridan and got the same response. Soon all four of them were leaving their homes to meet up. When they arrived the boys glared at each other and asked the same question at the same time. "Wwhat ii2 he doiing here?!" The girls smiled and Feferi giggled. "Y0u tw0 need t0 st0p fighting all the time!" "Y-eah! You'v-e bot)( mad-e it cl-ear you lov-e -eac)(ot)(-er so stop fighting!" Sollux growled. "Not my fault fii2hdiick here can't under2tand he2 not the mo2t iimportant thiing iin the world." Eridan scoffed and turned away. "And it's not my fault that idiot can't see that all I wwant is for him to spend a little time wwith his boyfriend instead of his laptop." The girls frowned. "C0me 0n y0u tw0! Just make up already!" Aradia's plea fell on deaf ears as the two boys stormed off again. The girls sighed and returned home in what they thought was defeat. In truth what Eridan had said had hit Sollux hard and he just hadn't wanted to show it there. He had realized he really hadn't been spending nearly enough time with Eridan and he knew that although Eridan acted high and mighty the boy was actually pretty insecure about himself and often needed reassurance that people didn't hate him. When he returned home Sollux set to work coding something. Instead of doing something bad though, this code did something quite nice and sweet. After he was finished he sent it to Eridan and he hesitantly ran the code, causing his screen to change to the words, 'II love you fii2hdiick' to appear flashing in yellow and violet. Eridan smiled a bit and responded to Sollux. "Lovve you twwo asshole." Sollux grinned and with that the girls plan had worked after all. 

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