Just one pun (davekat) (humanstuck)

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Dave's P.O.V

Just another boring day in class. Why did math even be something that was required learning. I'm not going to use that shit. At least not the advanced bullshit they were forcing down our throats. That's what calculators were made for. Most of the class I zoned out. Thought about my raps, what I was going to do after school, or the kid who sat next to me. You see, this kid never smiled. Not once! And when he spoke he was almost always practically yelling. His hair was always a mess too. The opposite of the sculpted masterpiece I up kept. He always seemed to be wearing the same thing too. Although I often did that with my favorite shirt I at least stopped after three days. Either this kid did his laundry often, or he had several copies of the same outfit. He always was wearing light grey sweatpants and a black sweater with some sort of grey symbol on the front. His eyes were a strange dark grey although he didn't seem ashamed of the strange color like I was with my freaky ass red eyes. Also, this kid had a really strange name. Karkat. There was just so much about him that I really wanted to know. And I admit, he was cute. I might've had the slightest of crushes on him. Whenever I would try to talk to him, he would growl at me and return to his work. He actually seemed serious about all this learning shit. Not a nerd. But serious about it all the same. He also always seemed to be carrying one of an interchanging set of rom-com books. I was snapped out of my daydream by the teacher. "Dave. Dave. Strider!" "Hmm? Oh, uhh..." God dammit. Shit. She called on my and I didn't even know what the question was. "I asked you what 2n + 2n equaled." She was in a good mood. Perfect. I could get away without answering. Or at least answering in my own way. The Strider way. "I don't know. It's 4n to me." Nobody laughed. I didn't expect them to. That joke was so bad it was ironic. Just the way I liked it. Then, slowly, I heard a chuckle from next to me. It was Karkat. Slowly, the laugh grew louder. Soon, he was howling with laughter, his smile wide. It was weird but it felt good. I had been the first person all year to make Karkat smile, much less laugh. When he finally calmed down, the teacher just shook her head and continued with the lesson. After class was over, I turned to Karkat and walked with him as we left the classroom. "Was my pun really that good?" He looked surprised and looked down at his stuff. "THAT AND I HAVEN'T LAUGHED IN A LONG TIME. IT FELT GOOD." I smirked. "Really?" I thought I could see a light blush of embarrassment. "THINGS HAVEN'T BEEN GREAT FOR ME LATELY..." He frowned deeply. Sad instead of his usual anger. I knew that face. He had lost someone close to him. I frowned. "You want to talk about it?" "NOT HERE." He looked around. Kids were walking around us. "Do you have pesterchum?" "YEAH, WHY?" "I'll give you my handle and we can talk later." He nodded and I quickly wrote it down on a piece of paper before handing it to him. He gave me a piece of paper with his handle. "I didn't ask for yours but ok." I took it and stuck it in my back pocket. "IT'S ONLY FAIR. ANYWAY, THIS IS MY CLASS. TALK TO YOU LATER." "See ya, Karkles." He rolled his eyes at the nickname as he entered the room. Classes seemed to go extra slow that day. I couldn't stop thinking about what could possibly be wrong in Karkat's life to make him so angry like he is. Eventually, it was the end of the day. I got home and went straight to my computer to contact Karkat. I searched his handle and found him. I clicked the username and added it to my friend list along with John, Rose, and Jade. I would talk to them later about this crazy day. In the meantime, I started a chat with Karkat. "You home Karkles?" "DON'T CALL ME THAT BUT YES." I smiled. I wasn't going to stop calling him Karkles anytime soon. It was too cute of a nickname. "You want to talk about what's going on for you or is it a bad time?" I didn't want to seem to pushy. Karkles was a nice guy. I knew it. Behind that anger was someone who cared. Just like behind my ironic cool kid face I cared too. "NO, IT'S FINE. A LOT'S BEEN HAPPENING... Ok, I'm not going to use my quirk for this. It's serious talk." "Ok." "Basically, I'm not like everyone else... As you've seen, my eyes are not normal... That combined with the fact that most of my 'friends' tease and annoy me on purpose for no other reason than they can is bad enough. Recently... My pet crab died... He had been with me for as long as I can remember and he always helped me through in his own, snappy, way. It's not been the same without him... My brother and father try to help but they themselves tend to just end up ranting. It just ends up as annoying." I was saddened by this story. I had never had a pet. The apartment was crowded enough as it was and I wasn't really interested in animals anyway. I could still understand being different, though. And the family trouble. Dirk and Bro always seemed to be more like each other than I was like them. "I understand. Is there anything I could do to help?" "Not really... Thanks for trying to help, though. It feels nice to finally get that all off my back." I smiled. "No problem Karkles. Anyway, I got homework to do. Talk to you tomorrow." "SEE YOU LATER STRIDER." I exited the chat and sat back. This could be the start of something great. Weeks passed and me and Karkles became very close. He meet my friends and their family and I met his. One day, I decided I was finally going to show him something I had never shown anyone else. My eyes. "Hey, Karkles. You want to come over?" "HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT! I'M FREE. I'LL BE OVER SOON. IT'LL BE A GOOD BREAK FROM KANKRI'S LECTURES." I laughed. He really didn't like his brother. "Ok. See you then." "SEE YOU THEN." I closed the chat and let out a sigh. Dirk and Bro were out. Dirk with his friends and Bro at work. It was Saturday. Soon, there was a knock at the door. I opened it. "Hello Karkles." Karkles growled. He really didn't like that nickname but I loved it. It fit him. I smirked. "Come on in." I moved aside and he entered. I closed the door and walked over to the couch. I threw a few things off to make room and sat down. Karkles came and sat down next to me. "Actually Karkat, there's something I wanted to show you." I hadn't used the nickname to show my seriousness with this. He looked confused. "WHAT WOULD THAT BE STRIDER?" I reached up to my shades and his eyes widened as he realized what I was going to show him. I closed my eyes as I pulled off my shades. Slowly, I opened them. I saw his eyes wide with wonder as he stared at me. "They look amazing. Why do you hide them?" He was speaking quietly! He must really, truly, love them. But why? They were weird. They were different. "Because I don't want others to think I'm weird." "EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS YOU'RE WEIRD STRIDER." "No, that's irony. This is just plain strange." Karkles shook his head and muttered something. "What was that Karkles?" A light blush came to his cheeks. "N-NOTHING FUCKTARD!" "No, you said something. What was it?" Karkles looked away. "Your eyes are very pretty." I smirked but blushed as well. "Thank you Karkles." He glared at me. I was about to put my shades back on when he grabbed them away from me. "Hey! Karkat! Give those back!" "NO WAY! YOU ARE NOT COVERING UP THOSE EYES AGAIN!" I glared at him. Then, I tackled him. The advantage to living with Dirk and Bro? I get plenty of strife practice in. He let out a high pitched squeal in shock. That was adorable. "GET OFF ME!" "Not until you give me my shades!" "FINE!" He shoved my shades at me and I sat back, still on top of him, and put them on. "NOW GET OFF!" "Nope. Not yet." "WHY NOT FUCKFACE?!" "Because there's something I want to say but I don't want you hurting me after I say it." Karkles looked confused but laid back and crossed his arms. "FINE." I took a deep breath. "Karkles, ever since I saw you that first time in science class, I thought you were cute. I wondered why you never smiled. Then, I made you laugh. It made me feel amazing. I feel in love from there. You're so sweet and caring behind that anger of yours. You love rom-coms and you're different and special. Just like me. It makes me happy to know that I'm one of the few people who can make you genuinely smile. Karkat, I love you." Karkles looked at me with shock in his eyes. "Y-you really mean that Dave?" I smiled and nodded. A grin grew on his face and soon he was smiling wider than I ever had seen him smile before. "I love you too. I was too concerned with myself at first been after we started talking I slowly fell in love. You're so funny, you care about others, you love rapping, you hate puppets, and you like to think you're an ironic cool kid. I've fallen in love with you Dave." I smiled wider than I ever had before. I felt like my face would break from happiness. I leaned down on top of Karkles and hugged him closer than I had anyone before. Even my family. Karkat slowly reached over and pulled off my shades. I let him. I stared at him and he stared back. I let our foreheads touch lightly together. We both continued to lean until we met in the middle with a kiss that would be ingrained in my mind forever. 

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